Monday, December 01, 2008

The Ultimate Showdown version 1.1

The Game:
Can you name all the Pokémon Characters (Generation 1)?

The Players:
Aodhan Coultis
Eddie Shearer
Hobbes (Calvin) Bright
Matthew Langer
Peter-Thomas Wellwood
Steven Blake

Start Time:

The Rules:
(1) Everyone must start at the same time
(2) Do not share answers
(3) If you cannot think of any more and are done wait for everyone else to finish.
(4) No cheating - we're nerds... that's just wrong.
(5) Google can ONLY be used for spelling purposes - using the "do you mean _____" function.

  1. PT Wellwood - 120/151
  2. Eddie Shearer - 100/151
  3. Steven Blake - 96/151
  4. Matthew Langer - 86/151
  5. Hobbes (Calvin) Bright - Accidentally closed the window early.
  6. Aodhan Coultis - No show.

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