Sunday, December 14, 2008


So there's a Halo Knight coming up at my place (just a bunch of us get together and play halo, drink pop, play pool, heroscape, etc). What that means is I've been getting back into playing some Halo 3, because it has been forever since I last played it. So I've been messing around lately, getting back into the groove (and lowering my k/d ratio... I suck since my absence). Tonight I was playing with a friend, and we were rockin' the online multiplayer matches.

There were some fun games, but then his total game experience (1 point of experience for winning a game... usually, unless its a double exp. weekend thing) hit 666 and wanted to take a screenshot of it. While we were waiting for to upload his scores we just messed around in private matches (1vs1 offline) so it didn't screw up his experience. We ended up playing Guardian, with just sniper rifles, to improve no-scoping skill.

It was a pretty fun game, but about 30 seconds before it ended, something extraordinary happened.

just in case you can't make out whats happening, I'll describe the full scene: I charged at him and threw a plasma grenade, which was way off. From there we started circling each other and firing our sniper-rifles (no scope) quite ineffectively each other. I threw another grenade at him and at the same time he fired, and then about .5 seconds later the grenade blew up. At the time we didn't understand what happened, the grenade shouldn't have blown up that quickly, it was strange.

In going back and reviewing the video we saw what actually happened: the grenade I threw happened to pass right in front of his bullet, stopping it from hitting me. Yeah, that's not the sniper shot glitching out, it actually hit the grenade, and stopped the shot. However since it all happened really fast (in about... .7 seconds) it was impossible to get a picture of the bullet dead on connecting with the bullet, it was about... 2 frames before this shot), however you can still see where the bullet connected with the grenade, and where the grenade was... 2 frames later. From the trajectory of the bullet, it looks as though it would have hit me right in the head. So this fluky, fluky happening saved my life.


1 comment:


Reminds me of a time I was playing GoW and someone threw a grenade at me and his partner shot the grenade as it was right in front of me. Inevitably causing my death. I've seen a lot of people make an attempt at doing that in Halo, but never successfully. Kudos.