Monday, December 22, 2008

Shout out at.

Fuck you VG cats, fuck you.

I have decided that I am no longer going to check the webcomic VG cats, they have let me down. They finally updated for the first time in oh... I don't know... a month. It wasn't even their main comic they updated, it was their side comic. How lame are they?

I don't even care what they say "oh it takes a long time to draw a comic". Bullshit. If xkcd and penny arcade can update without fail Monday, Wednesday, and Friday then VGcats once a week 'deadline' should be easy to meet. They aren't even as graphically intense as other comics, other comics that update, more then once a week, without fail.

For instance: Looking for Group. Its a extremely witty and amusing comic. They update twice a week, without fail. Its drawn on photoshop and it is also a lot more graphically intense then anything VG cats, penny arcade, and xkcd have put out (not knocking xkcd or penny-arcade, because they're still win). Oh, did I mention that they are also working on making a movie at the same time?

Lame VGcats, just... lame.


christopher said...



I feel your pain.

P.S. Have you read Ctrl-Alt-Del comic?