Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Youtube... taking its hits from xkcd?

Earlier today, while randomly searching out stupidity on youtube (I know... its not too hard to find, especially in the "Halo" areas) I found quite the interesting new feature. Its called "Audio Preview" and it reads the comment your about to post, back to you. As soon as I saw this, I thought "xkcd comic" and laughed (the comic to the left).

Below is a screenshot of this little clickable feature. The video I found this feature on was "Master Chief is Black" or something like that. So of course, stupid comments aplenty. However I didn't leave any comments on the video, I decided to get out before I exceeded the comment limit at least twice (on youtube you can only post 3 comments, then you have to type in a verification). So I nicely included them in the screenshot.

[you'll probably have to click on the image to see it to its fullest]

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