Friday, October 03, 2008

Today in Articles - VIDEO GAMES

Alright, today seemed to be a big day for interesting articles.

First up there seems to be a spore expansion coming out 'November 18th' for about $20 for those of you who buy games. Its currently titled "Cute & Creepy Parts Pack" so one can assume its going to add a bunch of new parts to the game. Its already up on both amazon and gamestop/ebgames. Now, it might be just me, but considering spore is made by Maxis (creators of The Sims) it seems as though there are going to be a lot more of these expansions, and each one will probably cost around $20 and not add a whole lot to the game... you know... just like all The Sims 2 expansions.

Today Capcom seemed to honor us with 20 new high definition Resident Evil 5 screenshots. This was already shaping up to be the most awaited game of 2009, then Capcom shows us more. The screens look amazing, but it just seems like Capcom is antagonizing its fans, its much like dangling a hotdog in front of a starving fat person and going "I'll give it to you LATER".

Pictures weren't the ONLY Resident Evil thing that was revealed today. We find out, much to my personal dismay, that typewriters were taken out of the game. It is yet unclear as to the reason they took out the trademark typewriters, when even the creator of the game enjoyed them. It is just explained that it will be a "chapter and checkpoint system". It was one thing to take out ink ribbons, but to take out typewriters as a whole and standardize it seems a little over too much. (Original Article)

Sadly, there is more stuff on Halo surfacing. We all knew about the Peter Jackson Halo movie project that was canned (much to my glee), however the Halo movie might not be done there, a new screenplay has come about for the movie. Since I'm nowhere near a halo fanboy I didn't read the whole thing. If you want to the article is here.

On the topic of Halo. There's a Machinima that is apparently more popular then RedvsBlue and its using Halo as well. Its called "Arby and Cheif" you can find it on youtube. Personally I think its an annoying piece of crap that is only enjoyed by Halo fanfags fanboys.

This also seems like a good time to link the "Halo 3 sucks" article I found a while back.

Several things here for the few people who still have Wii's out there. I don't know if many people care but if anyone remembers Nintendo's E3 at all (yes, it was crap) but at the very end one line was uttered "We're making Pikman". Well it seems that they ARE indeed going to be making a pikman, and that's pretty exciting, the pikman gamers were widely liked and might just give the Wii that extra little boost outta the gutters.... might.

There is also a new arcade game coming out for the Wii-channel that looks like its several notches above "amusing". Its called World of Goo, and the picture is here.

Dead Space, one of the most looked forward to games of this year. Well the experts have played it, and they say "91%". Which if your the type of person that goes by reviews of one or ten people you're stupid that means you'll definitely get this game. If your like me and you enjoy it when games your looking forward to anyway get a good review, then your pretty happy right now.

Today the new Silent Hill game was announced for the PS3, PC, and the Xbox 360. For fans of the games this makes it the 5th game in the series. You can read all about it here and here.

Lastly, in Japan there were more xbox 360 consoles sold in the month of September then there were PS3s. This is a first time for this to happen since the PS3's release.

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