Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Ok, so I feel as though I should explain better why my blog hasn't been updated in quite a while and probably wont for a bit longer (unless I find the time on friday).

First of all you should understand the only reason this one is up is because Im currently sitting under my covers with my laptop and blogging. I'll get to why I need to do it like this in a little bit.

I happen to sadly be in all University level courses, which means quite a bit of work. However when (in the same semester) I have English, History, and business leadership... well, theres a lot of work. I have (work wise): a History ISU (The Three Musketeers), an English ISU (The Road), part two of my English ISU (Lucifer's Hammer), an English novel (The Colour of Water) + questions, an English Presentation (on the 1930's depressions and fuck I hate Mrs. Giles (in fact, I might blog about that later)), 2 business assignments (and I have no fucking clue what to do on them), and a Business Presentation. All that equils: a shitload of work, and technically I would be lieing if I said it took away from my free time, but throw drivers ed ontop and peyton ontop of that pile, and you have (A) very little blog time, or (B) lack of willingness to do anything but sit on ones ass (- the peyton times, then we're watching TV shows, and playing video games).

Its usually B.

THEN as of the 28th I got Fallout 3, which is by far the greatest game ever. For those of you who dont know, Ill go into a bit of detail as of WHY it rocks, and the storyline/plot. I also got the collector's edition (shown below, its just the IGN picture, I dont have time or ability right now to take my own picture).

Its a post-apocalyptic game set in 2277 (I think). There was a huge world wide nuclear war, and the subsiquent fallout from it (when the war happened is undetermined) effects everywhere. To survive, human kind seals themselves in "vaults" (which are giant underground complexes... kinda like a city, just without the open space). Years after the war, the fallout is still around, however its safe for humans to wander around, and societies have sprung up on the surface - haphazard towns, military bases, raider camps, etc.

You are from Vault 101, and you get to grow up (at a quick 2 > 10 > 16 > 19 rate). What ends up happening is you father (voiced by Quai Gon Jin) escapes from Vault 101 (because frankly... it sucks there). The Overseer of the vault doesn't like that too much, and gets his thugs to beat up and murder your dads best friend. When the overseer's daughter (who was your friend since birth) informs you of this, and tells you that they think you were part of it as well, you have to flee too, and you do escape, into destroyed Washington DC.

Thats the synopsis of the story line. Now some of the best things: (1) Its made by the same guys who did Oblivion and the Elder Scrolls games (2) Its fully 100% interactive, you can talk to everyone, every choice you make influences events, you can be good or bad, etc. (3) ITS SO REALISTIC (blood, ragdoll effect, setting, scenery) (4) 100% open, you can do what you want - be a complete bastard (like I am) or a good guy. You can raid caravans, sleep with women, blow up towns, save people from mutants, etc. - anything that makes sense will happen. (5) everything is so well detailed and fluent, the spent a long time on this. (6) VATS - its a targeting system, that allows you to stop this third/first person 'shooter' and target body parts, using you AP to determine how many targeted shots you can make, then you click "OK" and get a nice little ingame cutscene.

Instead of going into A LOT of why it is awesome, Ill pretty much say this: Its like oblivion, in the future, and about 80% better. Oh, and its better then any of those OTHER games (Fable II and GoW II).

So anyway, once I find the time I will post. There will be at least 3 huge blog posts. As it stands I have 3 firefox windows open (I dont like it when tabs go over the limit, and start compiling offscreen), because I check the news every morning, and just tab open any interesting articles up to what I saw the day before.

Promise there will be alot, and it will be interesting. Also one of the blogs will be about the Evolution of Samus Aran, so you have that to look forward too (if you dont like Samus... well.... dont read it.... I guess....)

Now Im really hot from the heat of hiding under these blankets, so GOOD NIGHT.

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