Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nice to be loved.

I generally end up email many companies and such with questions/concerns. Usually the big companies get back to me, because the questions pertain to buying their products; even the ebay sellers will get back to me with the answers to my questions. I have so far emailed Kotaku on many occasions, emailed Dinosaur comics twice, and some other miscellaneous web sites a couple of times; never have I had a reply.

The other day I was thinking of something to get my friend for christmas and thought "I'll get 'em a really cool something". Then I thought "a really cool present would be to get a mousepad with xkcd's map of the internet on it". When I looked at their site, they didn't have one. My next thought was "I'll just check the internet to... you know... make one". Aparently if you want to make a mousepad, you need to order 500 of them. I asked around, and aparently some stores will make mousepads. So I could make the xkcd mousepad, however I emailed xkcd to ask if they had any plan of making one, or if they could... I donno... make one for me. Seeing as generally emailing websites failes, I didn't have much hope.

They emailed back... /swoon.

so much for that present idea... now I need a new one...

but... at least they replied :)

1 comment:

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