Sunday, November 09, 2008

In Soviet Russia... cosplayers scare you.

Yeah... even 'them Russians have gaming conventions. Not the announcement type, like TGS and Blizzcon, but that "FanExpo but larger type". That means they have cosplayers and boothbabes too... but not the awesome type you see at TGS and Blizzcon (and in Japan, they cheat). It's that crappy "I'm ugly and/or fat, so I should dress up" type.

Anyway picture time! There are some attractive ones... but also some scary ones.

Woman +1, Costume -4. - Maybe its just me, but I don't find this costume attractive.
Meow? - I'd say that is an attractive woman, costume... doesn't look good with that pose.
/blinded - that is a UNATTRACTIVE woman, and... wearing bra and panties... does that COUNT as a costume?
WAR - Warhammer Online women. I think I might have a thing for elves, because these woman are pretty attractive.
Nightmare Class 3 - That is supposed to be a woman.... I don't see it.
Real Hero - The photographer that took this picture is a true hero.... heres the woman that chest belongs to. Id say she was pretty attractive.
Wo--blah - those are some not-so-attractive women. I like the purple one's costume though.
Poliecia - Some attractive police women...
Abovezero, Attraction - She's dressed as Subzero, but she's pretty damn attractive.
Rated: DONT LOOK - That... is a very scary women.... and I just realized... shes NOT wearing clothes... thats paint....
Asian Adventure - Yeah... unattractive... and creepy.
Soviet Invasion - That is creepy. 'nuff said. Although I will say more: that looks like a codpiece.

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