Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Today while tripping.

So because of holly, I went to mozilla (and broke my oath never to go to their site again, after that whole hat incident) and downloaded Stumble. Its a browser function that you just imput your interests, and then your good to go. Every time you click it, it finds a web page that has to do with your interests.

I was formally using a different program that was kind of like this, but that just found articles, this finds web pages.

So! some interesting Stumbles:

All I Ever Learned, I learned from Anime: The highlights
2. You CAN have too many women. - its a fact. In most anime if there are a lot of girls after one man, he isn't happy about it.
5. The less you care about sex, the more opportunities you'll get. - it really is true, its always that cool kid that doesn't care that ends up having all the ladies flock to him.
7. When you die, make a long speech, and don't finish the last sentence. - if your going to die, at least be an asshole and leave 'em hanging
14. Speak quietly, pilot a big mech.
18. Honor is sexy; villainy is irresistible. - Note to self: insane people get chicks.
20. The coolest weapon is still a sword - its so true, only the coolest people use swords... or gunblades (which is cheating)
21. The hero is never really mad until you hurt his girlfriend.
24. School uniforms are cool only when the collar is open. - Its true.
Never trust a huge corporation. - Umbrella Corp.
Never fall for the girl who names her mech with a French name - [Edit] Never fall in love with anything french.
Always take gravity into account. - if it wasn't for gravity, you couldn't even hit the ground.
There's nothing sexier than high heels on a mech. - I don't know why... but all mechs seem to have high heels...
Outrageous vehicles only make the hero cooler.
If a sister falls in love with her brother, somewhere down the line you will discover that they're not blood related. - they tried that north of seven too.... too bad they were related...
All high school kids in Japan have parents that are away on extended business trips.
Consuming enormous amounts of alcohol daily will never have ill effects.
Everyone in Japan has excellent singing voices.
The longer it takes to say what your punch is called, the less effective it is. - This is an error. The longer you take to say your punch's name, the cooler and more powerful it makes it. Kah-mah-ha-mah-ha. If you say it slower, its more powerful.
TAKAHASHI'S LAW 2: The two-foot-tall old geezer is someone to be feared. - Yoda, master Rochie (or however it is spelled), etc.
No matter how big the mech/labor/mobile suit is, if it runs around the corner, the guy chasing it loses the trail.
76. The fate of the planet rests in the hands of the seemingly normal high school student.
77. The heroine must shred her clothes while transforming into something to fight the bad guys. - Sailor Moon is hot.
Never love a Gundam pilot : you're just destined for disappointment (or a funeral). - Probably because they were all gay...
85. The vampire isn't _always_ the bad guy - But that doesn't always mean they're amazing.
All high school principals in Japan are clinically insane.
95. A samurai sword can cut through anything.
The English words in Jpop songs are put there only because they sound good, since they don't make any sense with the rest of the lyrics.
The hero always loses the first fight with a new enemy.

Those are the highlights of that (for me at least), but they are all pretty good.

Amazing Cosplayers: Highlights (you anime-heavy people might have different ones, although they are all pretty awesome)
Yuna in the second image
Human Guardian
Night Elf

The People Clock: Its a clock... made out of people.

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