I came down with a cold, which fucking sucks. Its not the ordinary type of cold either, its one of those bitches that give you a headache and when you lay down the get up later, it feels as though your head is extremely heavy, like its full of water. So right now my nose kinda hurts and is chapped, and all I have to put on it is that stupid Goldbond (which fucking /stings/).
Anyway so I watched the first 2 seasons of Doctor Who (again, for the 4th time) with Peyton on Saturday and Sunday from 12-10pm, and good times that was.
The point is: I didn't see her Friday [and regrettably didn't see Chris either]; so I had from 4-3 Friday, 7-12 and 10-12:30 Saturday, and 9-12 Sunday to game. This meant that I beat another one of my borrowed games (The Force Unleashed. If you add Fable II, which I borrowed earlier, that makes 2 games beaten in 1 week) so I can now return that for another one. More importantly it finally gave me time to play The Darkness, and some of the other games I had 0/1000 achievement points for (it just looks bad to have that + I wanted to play the game). I quickly gave up on playing Rainbow 6: Vegas, and Splinter Cell DA (DA sucks, and Vegas just wasn't what I wanted to be playing) so I sat around and played The Darkness. This game is a lot of fun surprisingly, apart from the fact that the main character looks like a complete tool.
However that isn't the point of this post, its to point out that if you look to the right, under the nice little thing showing that the lag order is still in effect, you see my gamercard, and the gamer score has reached over 10, 000 (no thats not a cheap dragon ball Z comment). I got more then 1k this weekend alone; The Darkness netting me 405 for far, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed netting me a cool 625.
the achievement that got me into the 5 digit category:
Take down 6 airplanes.
If you ask me: this was one of the lamest 50 point achievements.
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