(by the way, I don't like this format for blogging, because it doesn't look great, but I don't have an better ideas)
Also whomever it was that commented that I should take the Kotaku banner out of the background of my banner, and put in something that says "there is no cow level" should be informed that the name of the blog is in the banner. Its in the "ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED" area. I though it was a cool way of incorporating it.
1. Mario + Micky = Creepy.
Dave Bondi (some random sculptor) has "combined his two favourite character icons into one" - Micky Mouse and Mario. It is a 9" tall figurine, and its going for $65. Too bad Halloween passed, because this is one creepy tribute.

2. Who ordered the pile of shit?
Hollywood did, that's who. There has been a long line of video game (culture) movies - resident evil, silent hill, Max Payne, DoA, etc - and all have been painfully terrible. It's bad enough that they choose good games (and culture. By the way I'm referring to the Dragonball Z movie that's in the making) to make bad movies, but when they choose a game that was "not so great" and decide it should have a movie... well... that's a failure before it starts. EA already approached the "non-video-game-playing" Director, and he agreed.
/sigh... [here]
3. This is my Empire.
It started with Shogun: Total War, then came Medieval: Total War, Rome: Total War, Barbarian Invasion - Rome: Total War (expansion), Alexander - Rome: Total War (expansion), then Medieval II: Total War. Each one of these games won the Real Time Strategy of the Year awards, and I personally am a huge fan of the series.
This game allows you to risk-style build armies and deploy your armies around the world, attacking places, defending towns, etc. but when your armies are attacked, you command your troops in battle.
Now the timeline progresses to Empire: Total War, where you play in the time of Napoleon and such. That means muskets, cannons, and ship-to-ship battles. The best part? In the previous Total War games you had to auto-resolve your ship battles (which generally lead to loss for the player), but now you are able to actually fight them.
Sadly it doesn't have a release date yet, but its set for 2009... there's one more thing that will empty my already meager sum of money.
It looks amazing... but im not sure it'll play on my desktop... /frown.
Well, I already said how Obama was buying advertising in video games, but now it gets better. Sarah Palin and Obama are featered in the Mercinaries II: World in Flame DLC (Downloadable Content). That means you can have Obama and Sarah palin running around, hijacking tanks, blowing stuff up, breaking necks, you know... the fun stuff.
(P.S. Sarah Palin in real life = epic fail)
5. Grand Theft PC.
Ah... its been around for about a year, and its only now coming to the PC... sorta. Grand Theft Auto IV was definitely the best in the series (because it didn't suck) and if you missed it when it came out for the 360/PS3 then you can soon get it for the PC. You had just better hope it can handle the specs.
That "16-18 GB free HD Space" is kinda scary... and so is the video card needed, and so is the RAM needed... everything about this game's specs is scary. My computer is lagging just thinking about it.Minimum System Requirements
* OS: Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4Ghz
* Memory: 1.5GB, 16GB Free Hard Drive Space
* Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900Recommended System Requirements
* OS: Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1Ghz
* Memory: 2 GB (Windows XP) 2.5 GB (Windows Vista)
* 18 GB Free Hard Drive Space
* Video Card: 512MB NVIDIA 8600 / 512MB ATI 3870
6. Elder Scrolls: Fuck Im Lost. Coming in 2010.
Bethesda (the makers of oblivion, and more importantly Fallout 3) have said there will probably be a new Elder Scroll game for 2010.
This seems kind of weird because Oblivion took a long time to make, Fallout 3 just came out and IT took a long time (and a lot of people are complaining its too much like Oblivion), and now in pretty much a year they plan on getting another game out?
Article: [here]
7. Brotherhood of HOLY FUCK!
Auction: [here]
1 comment:
having 'kotaku' so predominant on the top of the banner, and the name of your blog being the tiny achievment at the bottom, while it is neat, it doesn't really announce what the name of the blog is. i just think that it's misleading and kind of strange announcing the name of another blog so predominately.
also, if it's done right, an army of two movie ->could<- be pretty neat, provided the focus on the action.
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