I just finished playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. This game looked pretty nifty from the commercials, it seemed to have the same physics engine as crysis but... with the force...
This is one of the rare games that you can beat it on the harder difficulty and get the achievements for beating it on the difficulties below that. This means I figured "why not, Ill play through on hard, and get a good 75 (beating it on easy) + 100 (beating it on normal) + 100 (beating it on hard) and + 20 (getting the good or evil ending)". For this game hard isnt the hardest difficulty, after you beat the game once there is a sith master (really hard) difficulty available.
To start off you go through a prologue as Darth Vader. What this means is: you walk real fucking slow. Oh and getting to fight wookies, which hardly seems fair that a g
The first part of the actual game you play as that little random kid (now named: Starkiller. who the fuck names a main character STARKILLER and thinks that is a good idea?) from the DV prologue, all grown up. First you have to go through some stupid tutorial on how to use force throw. Then you get chucked into the some star station as Starkiller - who is wonderfully crappy in the force ability section, only having force push, and force lift. Here you have to fight both Rebles and for some reason you need to fight the Imperials too. Anyway you go through the level, but apparently the Jedi were careless and dropped 15 holocrons around for you to pick up and nicely give you experience boosts (oh yes, it has an experience/level system... although you level up but don't have an actual level). Levelling up grants you one point to put into each force upgrades, meele skills, and buffs. At the end of this level you have to battle some Jedi that apparently thought he was going to be fighting Darth Vader and got lame-ass Starkiller. The fact that on the hardest difficulty you can kill this jedi by shoving him all over and jumping about as Starkiller, clearly shows that this Jedi couldn't have stood any chance against Vader. During this fight you get detached from the space station and you and him fight in the falling observatory as it plummets toward the surface, and apparently you somehow can survive it crashing into the planet.
The next level is some crazy ass scrap yard place where you fight a bounty hunting species and crazy 'force powered' robots. By now I've only died like... 20 times... but this is where it all goes... well... badly. About half way through the level there comes a h
Anyway by now im getting pretty friggen sick of the game, and have realized that all the normal badguys can all be easily killed by force throwing them around.
The third level was some jungle piece of crap, where you fight some really stupid limier monkey type things that are able to kill you pretty fast if you don't throw them away first. Also if they have a 3 hit combo which if you don't block the first one, you get hit with all 3 parts of it, and that is about 2/3 of the health bar. Anyway this level was balls, considering you have to fight 4 Rancors in the course of it, 2 of them at once. Now, if you know star wars you would know that the Rancor is that big ass creature in Jaba's palace, however you still wouldn't notice these rancors:
Blah, Blah, Blah, some stupid shit happens and then we skip ahead some levels. Somehow you end up captured in a hospital room, and you have to break out. When you do a force field goes up and some gas pours into a room - which kills you rather quickly. To get out you have to spend a good amount of deaths just to find the power supply for the shield so you can deactivate the shield. Now you have to escape the space station filled with Imperials. Sounds easy right? You know... just force throw everyone around, easy. Ha! No! Lucas Arts decides to invent a couple new types of troopers, just for this game. First are troopers with shields, which generally can fully block any force power you throw at them. Second are purge troopers; these are 8 foot tall giant steel stormtroopers, with arm shields (which can block pretty much anything while raised) and a heatseeking missile that kills you in 3 hits - and which has the ability to kill you quite quickly, considering it will knock you down if it hits you, and then by the time your bastard gets back up the purge trooper has fired another one.
Then some random shit that I don't remember happens, because by now I'm starting to hate this game, and the only reason I still played it was for the achievements.
Then some more shit happens and you end up inside the deathstar. This game is supposed to take place between the third and forth movie so I'm not sure why they have a fully operational Death Star. The very beginning of the level you start off in a hanger with 2-4 purge troopers, an AT-ST, 3 snipers, 4 Gatling guns, and a whole lot of storm troopers. This hanger has been called "The Hanger of Death" because there really is no way to do fight your way out on a difficulty higher then Normal. You have to just run away. Anyway so then you run through the deathstar, and have to go down one of the firing tubes... while it periodically fires. Now not only is this part stupid, and involves a lot of running and hiding, it also doesn't make sense that the Death Star is firing at all. Later in the level, aftar a whole bunch of stupidly stacked against you fights you have to fight Darh Vader. He doesn't take all that long to beat but this has a stupid ass throw move he does any time you jump. This move cannot be dodged, and cant be broken out of, no matter how fast you press the action button. After you beat him you get some stupid ass cutscene, and then the choice to go and fight the Emperor or Darth Vader again. This leads to either the good ending, or the bad one. Seeing as my game glitched here, I was forced to fight the Emperor. To sum this up quickly: I died about 30 times before i gave up and reloaded my game. Which meant I had to do the first Darth Vader fight again, and the game didn't glitch this time, so I was able to fight vader. Yippie. So I killed him and beat the game, and scored some pretty sweet achievement points.
This is one of those games that really needs to be patched to fix all its friggen bugs. That or it needs to be incinerated in a fiery pit. Infact this was probably one of the only games that I have felt like burning half way through, and I might have if I had owned the game (seeing as I had just borrowed it). The game actually only consists of like... 4 levels, you just end up going back to them.. yay. The game's gap in difficulties is ridiculous, but that still doesn't change the fact that almost all the bad guys can be dispatched by force throwing them around.

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