Even I (for a while) sat down, dusted off my copy of halo 3 (metaphorically of course, all my games are well maintained, even if they aren't used), and entered and played game, after game, after game. All the time looking for Souljaboytellem. I never found him... the closest I came to that gamertag was "Souljaboyfan" (whom I proceeded to camp and t-bag for a whole game).
This is one rapper who needs to go down the path of a certain other rapper (that one that got shot... fiddy cent I think?). No matter how hard we try, he wont go away, and it is all youtube's fault. I'll get to that later. More importantly: since the release of his challenge, apparently some video game companies emailed Souljaboy and asked him if he wanted to make a game. He said yes.
Complex: Would you ever want your own video game?
Soulja Boy: I’m glad that you brought that up. Soulja Boy video game is coming for Xbox 360 in 2009. After I put the Xbox 360 challenge up on the Internet, it was over all these video game sites. And a couple video game companies hit me up on my email because I put the email on there too. And hit me up like, “Blah, blah, blah, blah.” So I was like, “Oh snaps!” So I forwarded to my management, and they forwarded to my label. And now we’re doing the video game. It was the same way I got signed for my music. It’s like history repeating itself, but instead of music this time it’s about video games.
See? This is how I know that there is no God. He allows Souljaboy to live, and doesn't smote him when crap like this happens. The best part of the whole thing is when he says "I was like... oh snaps". The foreboding and evil news? He's getting a video game... because he doesn't already have a big enough false ego.
One Kotaku reader (and my brother) said:
Goddamn I hate him and his stupid face. He sucks at Halo (go look him up, hes got a lower than 1:1 KD, and even plays PRIVATE games for the majority), he talks like something heavy hit him in the head as a small child.Well... here's hoping we don't get a repeat of Fiddys game and people actually purchase this crap.
it pretty much sums up what I was going to say anyway.
(my comment about hating youtube was simply this: Souljaboy did not have any form of single record, or deal, or anything. The only reason he became any form of popular was because he posted a video on youtube that he did himself, it was his song.... [crank 'dat I think... I donno it was whatever his first one was].
Full Interview
(it's really funny, its about all sorts of things, and he actually talks black)
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