Seeing as I'm supposed the be informative in some way... I guess I'll make more then that comment: Female Ninja's need erect boobies. They're good as secondary weapons, poking people who get too close, opening cans, cutting glass, and of course: scissors.
Now that I'm done that, I guess I can make comments about what it is. That is supposed to be a Taki (from Soul Caliber) doll. Since the face, legs, clothing, boobies, and pretty much everything else looks stupid... I'll just... uh... talk about other things.
SHE HAS A HUGE PACKAGE DOWN THERE (hence: taki the ninja has a secret).
You're probably looking at that and going "woah, boobies" (whats with me and reporting about boobies lately?). However a quick google of Soul Caliber IV shows me something I didn't know...
Even though the dolls face is messed up, and the character's face is messed up... it's a different type of messed up. The jump suits are different colours (both are taki as hell).
The one thing they kept the same? The pointy nipples and the package. So really, you can't blame the people who made the doll, they did the best job of making a likeness that they could....
More pictures and article: [here]
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