1. Who doesn't love a little Dead Space?
Dead Space, the scifi/horror game, was launched yesterday (the 14th). As far as this game goes, it looked amazing, and as the post-release reviews say: it was amazing. Seeing as I haven't actually played the game, I can't give my personal review. However, there is a link [here] to the global review(s) of Dead Space. Those reviews unanimously say: It is like crystal meth when your in a car - which I'm told roughly translates into "Fucking Awesome".
2. Jeepers Batman, that has to hurt...
Currently this Mortal Komabat fighter is scheduled to come out on November 14th, and as stated above: You can kick the crap out of DC characters with MK characters (or vice-versa). However *technically* Batman should be able to beat most people, because well... he's a ninja with gadgets, and Superman is invincible, and well... MK has... kung-fu and special abilities.
Either way, it looks like its going to be a lot of fun, but once again one of the games you can steal off a friend for 8 months.
3. Turn off your TV... but not before you see my video game ads!
As most people know Obama (the US Presidential Candidate) has said "Turn off
Either way, this is a man who makes no sense. Recently he has gone that extra mile to get the votes; he has bought advertising spots in video games. There are in fact nine different games he has bought ad space in. Games like: Maddan 2009, Burnout: Paradise, and Guitar Hero (not sure which one). He is the first President in history to use video games to support his campaign, because if your not following the elections because you live under a rock and just play video games (I mean... come on... even I know about the US elections;
4. Saints Row 2: Too Gangsta For the Po-Po.
The New York Police have a pretty large problem with Saints Row 2. They say that its over glamorizing the life of crime that plagues cities, and are in fact trying to have it pulled from stores. Saints Row 2 differs from Grand Theft Auto games (which are also hated, but never opposed by the Police) because GTA is a more ludicrous take on the gangster life style, in Saints Row 2 its much more realistic and the violence is realistic (much more so, because as in Grand Theft Auto your blowing shit up and shooting everyone, in Saints Row your into gang violence (as it really happens) and so on).
More reading: [here]
The logo for the Sony PlayStation for a long time has been all caps. After the newest update however it no longer reads "PLAYSTATION" it now reads "PlayStation".
(big news eh?)
6. Sue for DRMs
Everyone who purchased spore now essentially have $49.99 rentals. The DRM on the disc makes it so you can just use the disk to install 3 times, then your disk is useless. So say you have a PC and a Laptop, thats 2 installs used up there. Then say your PC crashes and you need to reboot, well there goes install number 3, and your all out. This was to stop piracy... it didn't work... seeing as spore was pirated and on the Internet within 10 days before the game hit the market. It was also downloaded more then 100k times during this period. One such downloader said:
"By downloading this torrent, you are doing the right thing," wrote one user going by the name of "deathkitten" on the popular file-sharing site The Pirate Bay. "You are letting [Electronic Arts] know that people won't stand for their ridiculously draconian 'DRM' viruses."Spore isn't the first game to have a DRM on it, in fact many have. So why is Spore so different? because it's the most aggressive. So much so that EA is currently being sued over the issue.
"You have the power to make this the most pirated game ever, to give corporate bastards a virtual punch in the face,"
More Reading: [here], [here], [here], [here], and [here].
7. Resident Video.... Twwwwooooooooo
More Resident Evil 5 videos to taunt us. Sadly this was filmed via a cam at TGS. However its still a pretty awesomely epic video.
8. Don't cry over spilled milk.
In Microsoft's case the milk is 21,600 xbox 360's and the reason they were spilled was because a train crashed carrying them. Now Microsoft is suing DHL (the train company) for the loss of the 360's. This seems like one of those "Its not our fault it happened" kind of deals, but Microsoft is still pissed, and DHL will pay... most likely.
More Reading: [here]
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