Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Nothing Says "I Love You" Like a Whole Lotta Gaming News.

Once again its another big day for a lot of news.

First up the new Fire Emblem game was announced. For anyone who doesn't know this was a handhelded based Tactics/Strategy (of the same style as Final Fantasy Tactics), there was one that was released for the Nintendo Wii last year; however this version just wasn't the same, its hard to enjoy a tactics game when your limited to at home play. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon will once again be returning to the handheld, on the DS. While it isn't a huge improvement on graphics, its still a Fire Emblem game, which means its going to rock. There is also a Wi-Fi wireless mode that will allow you to use one of your units (or a team) and battle players around the world. All in all, it sounds pretty awesome. [More Reading]

Dead Rising: Chop Till Ya Drop, exclusively for the Nintendo Wii. Now I'm a pretty large Dead Rising Fan, who doesn't love spending 72 hours in a mall with zombies, while trying to rescue survivors and being frank west, ace journalist? The Nintendo Wii, that's who. In this game there isnt a camera function - which on the 360 allowed you to whip out your camera and snap pictures - for poor old Frank West. Im interested how they're explaining a journalist not using a camera. Also because its on the Wii there is a significantly less number of zombies, it just can't handle it. So "chop till you drop" becomes "oh look... 3 zombies....". They also took out the time limit that Dead Rising had. Apparently MANY players disliked the fact that you had a limited amount of time to complete missions, rescue survivors, kill zombies, and get outta the mall - you know... the realistic stuff. "Chop till you drop" seems to refer to what the game creators did to the original Dead Rising to make this Wii version - chop out as much as they could, till they're index fingers got tired. [The image used is from Dead Rising for the 360, and then someone photoshopped it]

The newly announced "Legendary" is looking like its going to be a pretty cool game. Not much has been announced but a list of the achievements and screenshots are now up on the Internet. [If you get the pun with the picture I used for this section, get outside a little bit more often]

This is the section where we get a little naughty... just a little. Now everyone can see how the Wii could be abused in the very sexual, and very dirty sense. Well, two University students did just that. They made "Dark Room Sex Game" and its a two player game for the Wii where you and your partner have to swing your controllers in specific motions simultaneously to achieve orgasm. Yup, its that kind of fun abuse of a system's abilities. [Interview with the creators and a couple videos]

Ah yes... World of Warcraft... the game that I have officially given up... yet it still taunts me. The technical specifications of the new expansion coming out, Wrath of the Lich King, were just announced. While they're still incredibly low, they still are just a bit higher then the Burning Crusade - meaning the Lich King is going to look slightly prettier. [Specs Here]

Even though I hate it, it is still sadly part of gaming news, which means I shall briefly talk about the PS3. As it would seem the PS3 will still be the most expensive of the systems this Christmas. For some reason, known only to them (or the people who actually read more then just the title of the article), Sony has decided to keep the PS3 at its current price.

To the Metro Batman! In Washington DC there are now massive Fallout 3 posters all over the Metro (you know... the cooler name for the subway). This space is normally reserved for graffiti, AIDS, and movie posters, but Fallout 3 has a special place in the metro - and my heart.

Ever been on youtube and seen a video for a song you found you really liked? or a game that looked amazing? Of course you have, and you've always gone " I'm going to download that I would totally like to purchase that... next time I'm near a store...", then you realise before you get to said store "nah, I don't REALLY need this". Well now youtube makes it so you will buy that song/game before that voice of sense kicks in. You will soon be able to buy videos and songs right off youtube! Well as much fun as that sounds, I don't really see it being used all that much.... [more on it here]

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