Well back in September the LHC was test fired, and it was pretty much a success... except that whole "magnet incident". Anyway CERN (the company that made and run the LHC) now needs to fix it, so they can fire it again and
hopefully destroy the galaxy make protons collide. To fix it, they needed to order some crowbars. When the order came they recieved... only one crowbar: thats shipping for you. Also there was an employee in a
picture of the CERN LCH team of a man that looks
a lot like
Gorden Freemen (left). When this was pointed out to the Director of CERN he said that after that picture was taken he hasn't ever seen that man again. Therefore the conclusion is: That it wasn't a "magnet failure", secretly CERN was working on bioengineering super aliens, and they got loose. The good thing? Gorden Freeman is there, and he's got a crowbar.
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