xkcd is probably the greatest webcomic, true I haven't got around to reading a bunch of them (most of the more 'popular' ones are bookmaked) however I still firmly stand by the fact that it is, and always will be: the best.
Its written by a man named Randell Monroe (only... spelt right). He was a NASA Robotisist (you know... one of those high paying, fancy-smancy jobs) but then he resigned. He resigned so he could draw xkcd, and draw he does. He updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday exactly on 12:00pm.
The vast majority of the comics are hilarious. However the best are either the 1337 series, or the new (posted below, because I felt it should be) Secretary series.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
P.S. whomever told Matt Davis about xkcd really needs to die.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Ok, so I feel as though I should explain better why my blog hasn't been updated in quite a while and probably wont for a bit longer (unless I find the time on friday).
First of all you should understand the only reason this one is up is because Im currently sitting under my covers with my laptop and blogging. I'll get to why I need to do it like this in a little bit.
I happen to sadly be in all University level courses, which means quite a bit of work. However when (in the same semester) I have English, History, and business leadership... well, theres a lot of work. I have (work wise): a History ISU (The Three Musketeers), an English ISU (The Road), part two of my English ISU (Lucifer's Hammer), an English novel (The Colour of Water) + questions, an English Presentation (on the 1930's depressionsand fuck I hate Mrs. Giles (in fact, I might blog about that later)), 2 business assignments (and I have no fucking clue what to do on them), and a Business Presentation. All that equils: a shitload of work, and technically I would be lieing if I said it took away from my free time, but throw drivers ed ontop and peyton ontop of that pile, and you have (A) very little blog time, or (B) lack of willingness to do anything but sit on ones ass (- the peyton times, then we're watching TV shows, and playing video games).
Its usually B.
THEN as of the 28th I got Fallout 3, which is by far the greatest game ever. For those of you who dont know, Ill go into a bit of detail as of WHY it rocks, and the storyline/plot. I also got the collector's edition (shown below, its just the IGN picture, I dont have time or ability right now to take my own picture).
Its a post-apocalyptic game set in 2277 (I think). There was a huge world wide nuclear war, and the subsiquent fallout from it (when the war happened is undetermined) effects everywhere. To survive, human kind seals themselves in "vaults" (which are giant underground complexes... kinda like a city, just without the open space). Years after the war, the fallout is still around, however its safe for humans to wander around, and societies have sprung up on the surface - haphazard towns, military bases, raider camps, etc.
You are from Vault 101, and you get to grow up (at a quick 2 > 10 > 16 > 19 rate). What ends up happening is you father (voiced by Quai Gon Jin) escapes from Vault 101 (because frankly... it sucks there). The Overseer of the vault doesn't like that too much, and gets his thugs to beat up and murder your dads best friend. When the overseer's daughter (who was your friend since birth) informs you of this, and tells you that they think you were part of it as well, you have to flee too, and you do escape, into destroyed Washington DC.
Thats the synopsis of the story line. Now some of the best things: (1) Its made by the same guys who did Oblivion and the Elder Scrolls games (2) Its fully 100% interactive, you can talk to everyone, every choice you make influences events, you can be good or bad, etc. (3) ITS SO REALISTIC (blood, ragdoll effect, setting, scenery) (4) 100% open, you can do what you want - be a complete bastard (like I am) or a good guy. You can raid caravans, sleep with women, blow up towns, save people from mutants, etc. - anything that makes sense will happen. (5) everything is so well detailed and fluent, the spent a long time on this. (6) VATS - its a targeting system, that allows you to stop this third/first person 'shooter' and target body parts, using you AP to determine how many targeted shots you can make, then you click "OK" and get a nice little ingame cutscene.
Instead of going into A LOT of why it is awesome, Ill pretty much say this: Its like oblivion, in the future, and about 80% better. Oh, and its better then any of those OTHER games (Fable II and GoW II).
So anyway, once I find the time I will post. There will be at least 3 huge blog posts. As it stands I have 3 firefox windows open (I dont like it when tabs go over the limit, and start compiling offscreen), because I check the news every morning, and just tab open any interesting articles up to what I saw the day before.
Promise there will be alot, and it will be interesting. Also one of the blogs will be about the Evolution of Samus Aran, so you have that to look forward too (if you dont like Samus... well.... dont read it.... I guess....)
Now Im really hot from the heat of hiding under these blankets, so GOOD NIGHT.
First of all you should understand the only reason this one is up is because Im currently sitting under my covers with my laptop and blogging. I'll get to why I need to do it like this in a little bit.
I happen to sadly be in all University level courses, which means quite a bit of work. However when (in the same semester) I have English, History, and business leadership... well, theres a lot of work. I have (work wise): a History ISU (The Three Musketeers), an English ISU (The Road), part two of my English ISU (Lucifer's Hammer), an English novel (The Colour of Water) + questions, an English Presentation (on the 1930's depressions
Its usually B.
THEN as of the 28th I got Fallout 3, which is by far the greatest game ever. For those of you who dont know, Ill go into a bit of detail as of WHY it rocks, and the storyline/plot. I also got the collector's edition (shown below, its just the IGN picture, I dont have time or ability right now to take my own picture).
You are from Vault 101, and you get to grow up (at a quick 2 > 10 > 16 > 19 rate). What ends up happening is you father (voiced by Quai Gon Jin) escapes from Vault 101 (because frankly... it sucks there). The Overseer of the vault doesn't like that too much, and gets his thugs to beat up and murder your dads best friend. When the overseer's daughter (who was your friend since birth) informs you of this, and tells you that they think you were part of it as well, you have to flee too, and you do escape, into destroyed Washington DC.
Thats the synopsis of the story line. Now some of the best things: (1) Its made by the same guys who did Oblivion and the Elder Scrolls games (2) Its fully 100% interactive, you can talk to everyone, every choice you make influences events, you can be good or bad, etc. (3) ITS SO REALISTIC (blood, ragdoll effect, setting, scenery) (4) 100% open, you can do what you want - be a complete bastard (like I am) or a good guy. You can raid caravans, sleep with women, blow up towns, save people from mutants, etc. - anything that makes sense will happen. (5) everything is so well detailed and fluent, the spent a long time on this. (6) VATS - its a targeting system, that allows you to stop this third/first person 'shooter' and target body parts, using you AP to determine how many targeted shots you can make, then you click "OK" and get a nice little ingame cutscene.
Instead of going into A LOT of why it is awesome, Ill pretty much say this: Its like oblivion, in the future, and about 80% better. Oh, and its better then any of those OTHER games (Fable II and GoW II).
So anyway, once I find the time I will post. There will be at least 3 huge blog posts. As it stands I have 3 firefox windows open (I dont like it when tabs go over the limit, and start compiling offscreen), because I check the news every morning, and just tab open any interesting articles up to what I saw the day before.
Promise there will be alot, and it will be interesting. Also one of the blogs will be about the Evolution of Samus Aran, so you have that to look forward too (if you dont like Samus... well.... dont read it.... I guess....)
Now Im really hot from the heat of hiding under these blankets, so GOOD NIGHT.
Monday, October 20, 2008
She IS sexy.
Articles are fun.
Machinima - The Machinima Filmfest has announced their nominees. Tales of the Past III is on that list, and I sure hope it wins. There are a lot of videos there, and I might have to spend a night or two going through and watching all of the videos, they seem like they're really cool.
"Mature games that are actually mature" - There are plenty of "M" rated games, but how many are actually "Mature". Well there's a very awesome list of the games that are justifiably mature, and why they are. Its very interesting, and for the most part, I've played all of those games. (there are a couple of pages)
"The Top 7... Failed Franchises We Know How to Fix" - There are those movie franchise and such that get video games that just suck ass, and we all know they deserve better. These franchise' may not have games of their own, but there are games that are awesome and similar to the franchises.
Machinima - The Machinima Filmfest has announced their nominees. Tales of the Past III is on that list, and I sure hope it wins. There are a lot of videos there, and I might have to spend a night or two going through and watching all of the videos, they seem like they're really cool.
"Mature games that are actually mature" - There are plenty of "M" rated games, but how many are actually "Mature". Well there's a very awesome list of the games that are justifiably mature, and why they are. Its very interesting, and for the most part, I've played all of those games. (there are a couple of pages)
"The Top 7... Failed Franchises We Know How to Fix" - There are those movie franchise and such that get video games that just suck ass, and we all know they deserve better. These franchise' may not have games of their own, but there are games that are awesome and similar to the franchises.
Decided to clear up my tabs finally, I've had 30 some-odd articles open in 2 different firefox windows (don't ask). So here's one massive blog, each section will be condensed via topic.
1. Oh that Blizzard.
Two things that apparently don't go together: School work, and World of Warcraft. Well I k now a lot of people that can debate that people who make this statement are overgeneralizing. But the point isn't how wrong this is. The point is, that someone is trying to apply both, together.
LiveScience is doing a study, to see if World of Warcraft can aid kids in learning. Apparently its "working ridiculously well... it shouldn't be working this well". Children grades 7-10 signed up for this study, and so far have done nothing but improve. These are kids who couldn't walk and chew gum, let alone write a paragraph, now thanks to World of Warcraft these kids are now learning, and writing. They're writing massive posts about how to level up efficiently, the best gear, etc. The topic may be nerdy but the point is: they're writing.
More Reading: [here]
It's called "Multiboxing" and what that means is running multiple copies of one game, on one computer. Most commonly this game is World of Warcraft. Right now your probably asking "why?" and the answer is: imagine being able to play both a healer and a warrior, think of the ease of questing.
Thats a pretty basic example of Multiboxing and its use. What if you want to raid? Well then you multibox 36 shamans like user "Prepaired" does. He has one of the largest (but not THE largest, there is a setup of 50 that is managed by 2 people, this is the biggest managed by one dude) multiboxing set-ups, and I have to say... its impressive.
More reading and screenshots of his setup + in game shamans [here]
Blizzard is working on another MMO, and apparently its not World Of Warcraft II, it's something different. Either way, Blizzard has job postings looking for a lead engine programmer, lead tools programmer and lead technical artist. Maybe it will be "world of Starcraft" that'd be pretty cool.
More Reading: [here] and [here]
2. Max OUCH (Hahaha... get it?.............................. I'll just post.....)
Max Payne with Mark Wallburgh was released and so far its been labeled as a huge pile of shit. Mark Wallburgh is apparently a terrible terrible actor in it, and so on. However apparently (much to a lot of people's shock) it topped the box office. It must be people going to see just how crappy it is. It even got a 17% rating...
Either way I haven't seen it, but when/if I do, there shall be a post.
More Reading: [here] and [here] and [here]
Alternate Reading: Do all video game movies suck?
Well everyone who loves Resident Evil (or movies, or their lives) dislikes one thing in particular: the Resident Evil Movies. Not only do they screw up Resident Evil, they also have no plot, bad acting (Mila... whats-her-face sucks), make no sense, and oh... have crappy zombies. I could go on for a very long time about the many ways it sucks (Alice [Mila] doesn't exsist in the games, with no mention of the "mansion incident" how does Jill know to headshot zombies, they fuck up Nemisis, etc) but I wont, because I already listed the ways that non-RE fans know it sucks. Resident Evil was pretty OK. Resident Evil: Apoalypse was terrible. Resident Evil: Extinction was fucking HORRID. So they seem to be exponentially getting wose, and you'd think someone would clue into the fact that we hate 'em. But nooooo they're going to make ANOTHER one. I don't even think I'll watch this one, the last one was bad enough.
More Reading: [skip around a bit, theres stuff about Resident Evil there]
1. Oh that Blizzard.
Two things that apparently don't go together: School work, and World of Warcraft. Well I k now a lot of people that can debate that people who make this statement are overgeneralizing. But the point isn't how wrong this is. The point is, that someone is trying to apply both, together.
LiveScience is doing a study, to see if World of Warcraft can aid kids in learning. Apparently its "working ridiculously well... it shouldn't be working this well". Children grades 7-10 signed up for this study, and so far have done nothing but improve. These are kids who couldn't walk and chew gum, let alone write a paragraph, now thanks to World of Warcraft these kids are now learning, and writing. They're writing massive posts about how to level up efficiently, the best gear, etc. The topic may be nerdy but the point is: they're writing.
More Reading: [here]
It's called "Multiboxing" and what that means is running multiple copies of one game, on one computer. Most commonly this game is World of Warcraft. Right now your probably asking "why?" and the answer is: imagine being able to play both a healer and a warrior, think of the ease of questing.
Thats a pretty basic example of Multiboxing and its use. What if you want to raid? Well then you multibox 36 shamans like user "Prepaired" does. He has one of the largest (but not THE largest, there is a setup of 50 that is managed by 2 people, this is the biggest managed by one dude) multiboxing set-ups, and I have to say... its impressive.
More reading and screenshots of his setup + in game shamans [here]
Blizzard is working on another MMO, and apparently its not World Of Warcraft II, it's something different. Either way, Blizzard has job postings looking for a lead engine programmer, lead tools programmer and lead technical artist. Maybe it will be "world of Starcraft" that'd be pretty cool.
More Reading: [here] and [here]
2. Max OUCH (Hahaha... get it?.............................. I'll just post.....)
Max Payne with Mark Wallburgh was released and so far its been labeled as a huge pile of shit. Mark Wallburgh is apparently a terrible terrible actor in it, and so on. However apparently (much to a lot of people's shock) it topped the box office. It must be people going to see just how crappy it is. It even got a 17% rating...
Either way I haven't seen it, but when/if I do, there shall be a post.
More Reading: [here] and [here] and [here]
Alternate Reading: Do all video game movies suck?
Well everyone who loves Resident Evil (or movies, or their lives) dislikes one thing in particular: the Resident Evil Movies. Not only do they screw up Resident Evil, they also have no plot, bad acting (Mila... whats-her-face sucks), make no sense, and oh... have crappy zombies. I could go on for a very long time about the many ways it sucks (Alice [Mila] doesn't exsist in the games, with no mention of the "mansion incident" how does Jill know to headshot zombies, they fuck up Nemisis, etc) but I wont, because I already listed the ways that non-RE fans know it sucks. Resident Evil was pretty OK. Resident Evil: Apoalypse was terrible. Resident Evil: Extinction was fucking HORRID. So they seem to be exponentially getting wose, and you'd think someone would clue into the fact that we hate 'em. But nooooo they're going to make ANOTHER one. I don't even think I'll watch this one, the last one was bad enough.
More Reading: [skip around a bit, theres stuff about Resident Evil there]
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I have to write a book report for The Three Musketeers for West and the Worlds - History. It's due November 3rd, but for some reason I have to work on it now. Which is why I'm blogging, I'm trying to waste time because I really don't want to do it.
Anyway as I went to do it I went "shit, my desktop doesn't have a word processor" so I popped over to my laptop and then went "shit, my laptop's word processor for some reason doesn't have spell check" so that was useless. So I popped back on my desktop and took a quick trip to Demonoid to look for a word processor. I came across Microsoft Office 2007. So I went "ok, no 2008, but oh well, it'll work". It took 16 minutes to download the file and in that time I sat on alienware.com and built my dream PC (it was so kick ass, and only cost $2,889.00):
Anyway as I went to do it I went "shit, my desktop doesn't have a word processor" so I popped over to my laptop and then went "shit, my laptop's word processor for some reason doesn't have spell check" so that was useless. So I popped back on my desktop and took a quick trip to Demonoid to look for a word processor. I came across Microsoft Office 2007. So I went "ok, no 2008, but oh well, it'll work". It took 16 minutes to download the file and in that time I sat on alienware.com and built my dream PC (it was so kick ass, and only cost $2,889.00):
[1] Area-51® 7500Then when office finished downloading and installing I opened it up and went "woah, I'm lost". It looks so very very weird.
Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E8400 3.00GHz 6MB Cache 1333MHz FSB
Alienware P2 Chassis: Alienware® P2 Chassis with AlienIce™ 3.0 Video Cooling - Conspiracy Blue
System Lighting: Alienware® Standard System Lighting - Fusion Red
System Cooling: Alienware® High-Performance Liquid Cooling
Power Supply: Alienware® 1000 Watt Multi-GPU Approved Power Supply
Graphics Processor: Single 1GB NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 280
Video Optimizer: AlienAdrenaline v1.0: Video Performance Optimizer - More Info
Memory: 3GB Patriot EP+ Low Latency Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz - 2 x 1024MB + 2 x 512MB
Motherboard: Alienware® Approved NVIDIA® nForce 680i SLI Motherboard
Operating System (Office software not included): Windows Vista® Ultimate with Service Pack 1 – DirectX 10 Ready!
Desktop Tuners and Remotes: With Media Center Remote Control
System Drive: Extreme Performance (RAID 0) - 1TB (2 x 500GB) SATA 3Gb/s 7,200RPM 2 x 16MB Cache
Optical Drives : Single Drive Configuration - 20X Dual-Layer Burner (DVD±RW)
Enthusiast Essentials: Dual High Performance Gigabit Ethernet Ports
Sound Card: High-Definition 7.1 Performance Audio
Security Software: McAfee® VirusScan Plus – 36-Month Subscription Factory Installed!
Speakers: Logitech® Z-2300 2.1 200-Watt Speakers
Keyboard: Gaming Keyboard - Saitek II Backlit Keyboard
Mouse: Gaming Mouse - Razer Lachesis™ 4000dpi Laser Gaming Mouse - Phantom White
Warranty: 1-Year AlienCare Onsite Service and 24/7 Toll-Free Phone Support
Alienware Extras: Alienware® Mesh Cap
Alienware Extras: Alienware® Mousepad
Alienware Extras: Alienware® Desktop Binder
Alienware Extras: Owner Identification Card
Alienware Extras: Internal Wire Management
Avatar: Alienhead Glow
Window Style: Graphite Window Style
Mouse Pointers: Standard Mouse Pointers
Wallpaper: Alienhead 3D
Power Plan: High Performance
Automatic Updates: Automatic Updates On
Sidebar Gadgets: Calendar
Sidebar Gadgets: CPU Meter

A good way to waste money.
The Macbook air, that little laptop that can fit in an envelope. Its the biggest waste of money people will waste their money on. The original macbook is better, and cheaper. Don't believe me? lets compare some specs:
Macbook Air:
The original macbook is $400 cheaper, and its better (this is without ANY customization on either) and only 1.5 pounds heavier.
Macbook Air:
- 1.36 kg (3.0 pounds)
- 1.6 GHz
- Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 1066MHz frontside bus
- 2GB Memory
- 120GB SATA hard drive
- NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics
- 2.04 kg (4.5 pounds)
- 2.0 GHz
- Intel Core 2 Duo
- 2GB DDR3 Memory
- 160GB hard drive
- NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics
The original macbook is $400 cheaper, and its better (this is without ANY customization on either) and only 1.5 pounds heavier.
The Heroes YOU Need.
I just got my xbox live gold account back online, so I've been playing a lot of Halo 3 (I like shooting people, what can I say). First of all I found that I now am not-so-super-awesome, and that they took out Ranked/Social big team games. There is just "DLC big teams". I also found that now it seems everyone and their moms has a sword.
A lot of my games have been played with my friends, and the best thing to do afterward is to sit back and take screenshots. I'll post them here, along with the pictures from Halo Knight (we're spelling it with a "K" now, to much us 'cooler'). So here are a bunch of pictures of Matt and I together, and Halo Knight.
Dismounted - Matt getting his face beat in by... Will... embarrassing. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Chain Gun Stance - Herbie on a box with the chain gun during an infection game. This was during when everyone stole my 'hiding' spot. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Defense One - This wasn't actually staged if I remember correctly, it just kinda... worked out like this. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Defense Two - Staged (that blood is Ians, who was shot in "Massacre"). [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Massacre - Matt was an ass and fired off his brute shot, at us, his infection team. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Epic Fail - Will the Zombie can't use a sword... [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Epic Fail^2 - He got it the second time... only he missed. Will is the only person I have seen MISS a sword lunge when the enemy is unaware. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Ready, Steady, Fire - Staged, but still epic. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
;.; + /cry - Teamwork only lasts so long... [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Deceit - This was supposed to end with us all flipping end-over-end via hammer hit... However you can see the plot already. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Judas - Not sure but I think that was Hobbes that fired. I could be mistaken though. Either way this was piss funny, because I remember the person firing going "hey... should I fire? /wink" to me, and of course my going "hell yeah!"... then this happening. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Defending the Ridge - Hobbes and Matt... I think... I don't know who that blue dude is. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Laserus Experiment - We attempted to see if you could wipe out a whole line with 1 Spartan Lazar shot... apparently IT doesn't work like that, the last 3 people lived. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Discipline - Will wouldn't stand in line, it had to happen. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Disco? - 1 shot sniper line from the shooter's perspective, Brock was a bastard and crouched. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Self Hit - still part of the sniper line picture, but these 3 were PERFECTLY lined up, so it looked amusing. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Mongoosing, the right way - Matt on the back, I'm driving. Even with my multiple crashes, we had a good spree. [Team SWAT (1), Rat's Nest]
Pissed-off-tols (1) - I'm actually pulling back here, Matt is being a hero and charging in. [For some reason sometimes my custom armor doesn't always work, so I'm the one in the normal armor, Matt is the one whom you can't really see] [Pistol Team SWAT, Foundery]
Duel Wielding - Matt with 2 pistols looking badass. [Pistol Team SWAT, Foundery]
Duel Wielding - Me with 2 pistols guns-a-blazing. [Pistol Team SWAT, Foundery]
Meat Shield - Even though this looks like I'm about to betray Matt, I was actually firing over his shoulder.
Guarding the rear - Matt and I charging at 2 guys in front of us. Matt actually just landed, charged forward for a second, then got his head blown off. Me on the other hand killed both of the guys... after Matt died. [Pistol Team SWAT, Foundery]
Mongoose Mount Up - Same thing, different game. Matt is wearing much cooler looking armor here, and I'm still driving. [Team SWAT (2), Rat's Nest]
Driving Into Fire - Matt and I mongoosing in Rat's Nest still. We took heavy fire from 3 guys here, but my driving and Matt's shooting got us out alive. [Team SWAT (2), Rat's Nest]
Drive By - [Team SWAT (2), Rat's Nest]
From Behind - There's another mongoose chasing us, and Matt is laying down some fire. Later I turned around and clipped the other mongoose's wheel, causing it to flip. [Team SWAT (3), Rat's Nest]
Fly By - The ship doesn't have rockets? Bring your own. We had an epic time on this Hornet (the plane) flying about and destroying enemy vehicles. Matt is the pilot, I'm the rocketeer (yeah, I changed my helmet, but then I changed it back after this match). [DLC Big Team, Avalanche]
Warthog from Hell - Matt is driving, I'm gunning. That warthog took a beating as we assaulted the enemies. It ended up flipping (as in barrel rolling, at least 3 rolls a time, one time there was 9) because it kept taking grenades and bruteshot fire (it was even hijacked from Matt at one point so I had to hop out and regain the warthog via BR fire). In the end it took one mighty beating. All the lights were gone, the windshield was totaled, the bumpers were hanging off, and the wheels were all wobbly. However I ended up gunning my way to 16 kills this run. [DLC Big Team (1), Standoff]
Crapping Oneself - This was the run before the "Warthog from Hell" run. We were nicely driving around the blue's base and the side of the Warthog was slammed by a rocket. The driver (Matt) and the passenger (???) died, however the gunner (Me) survived the rocket somehow. However I did die about 2 seconds later (after the Jeep stopped rolling). [DLC Big Team (1), Standoff]
Bathed in Light - Once again from our "warthog from hell" run. This was when matt rammed into one of the explosive forklifts on the map. [DLC Big Team (1), Standoff]
Boom - See? That forklift. [DLC Big Team (1), Standoff]
Warzone - Matt, as part of an attack against the red base. [DLC Big Team (2), Standoff]
A lot of my games have been played with my friends, and the best thing to do afterward is to sit back and take screenshots. I'll post them here, along with the pictures from Halo Knight (we're spelling it with a "K" now, to much us 'cooler'). So here are a bunch of pictures of Matt and I together, and Halo Knight.
Halo Knight: Arron, Brock, Hobbes, Herbie, Ian, Matt, Peyton, PT, and Will.
Epic mongoose - Matt (green and grey) and I (Brown and lighter Brown) on a mongoose. That's right, I am about to mount it as he's driving. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]Dismounted - Matt getting his face beat in by... Will... embarrassing. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Chain Gun Stance - Herbie on a box with the chain gun during an infection game. This was during when everyone stole my 'hiding' spot. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Defense One - This wasn't actually staged if I remember correctly, it just kinda... worked out like this. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Defense Two - Staged (that blood is Ians, who was shot in "Massacre"). [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Massacre - Matt was an ass and fired off his brute shot, at us, his infection team. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Epic Fail - Will the Zombie can't use a sword... [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Epic Fail^2 - He got it the second time... only he missed. Will is the only person I have seen MISS a sword lunge when the enemy is unaware. [Z-SWAT, Valhalla]
Ready, Steady, Fire - Staged, but still epic. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
;.; + /cry - Teamwork only lasts so long... [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Deceit - This was supposed to end with us all flipping end-over-end via hammer hit... However you can see the plot already. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Judas - Not sure but I think that was Hobbes that fired. I could be mistaken though. Either way this was piss funny, because I remember the person firing going "hey... should I fire? /wink" to me, and of course my going "hell yeah!"... then this happening. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Defending the Ridge - Hobbes and Matt... I think... I don't know who that blue dude is. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Laserus Experiment - We attempted to see if you could wipe out a whole line with 1 Spartan Lazar shot... apparently IT doesn't work like that, the last 3 people lived. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Discipline - Will wouldn't stand in line, it had to happen. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Disco? - 1 shot sniper line from the shooter's perspective, Brock was a bastard and crouched. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Self Hit - still part of the sniper line picture, but these 3 were PERFECTLY lined up, so it looked amusing. [Slayer, Sandtrap]
Heroes: TisChubbyNinja (Matt) + TheBoxNinja (Me)
Mongoosing - Matt is driving, I'm on the back shooting. This didn't last very long... Im bad at shooting off a mongoose. [Team SWAT (1), Rat's Nest]Mongoosing, the right way - Matt on the back, I'm driving. Even with my multiple crashes, we had a good spree. [Team SWAT (1), Rat's Nest]
Duel Wielding - Matt with 2 pistols looking badass. [Pistol Team SWAT, Foundery]
Duel Wielding - Me with 2 pistols guns-a-blazing. [Pistol Team SWAT, Foundery]
Meat Shield - Even though this looks like I'm about to betray Matt, I was actually firing over his shoulder.
Guarding the rear - Matt and I charging at 2 guys in front of us. Matt actually just landed, charged forward for a second, then got his head blown off. Me on the other hand killed both of the guys... after Matt died. [Pistol Team SWAT, Foundery]
Mongoose Mount Up - Same thing, different game. Matt is wearing much cooler looking armor here, and I'm still driving. [Team SWAT (2), Rat's Nest]
Driving Into Fire - Matt and I mongoosing in Rat's Nest still. We took heavy fire from 3 guys here, but my driving and Matt's shooting got us out alive. [Team SWAT (2), Rat's Nest]
Drive By - [Team SWAT (2), Rat's Nest]
From Behind - There's another mongoose chasing us, and Matt is laying down some fire. Later I turned around and clipped the other mongoose's wheel, causing it to flip. [Team SWAT (3), Rat's Nest]
Fly By - The ship doesn't have rockets? Bring your own. We had an epic time on this Hornet (the plane) flying about and destroying enemy vehicles. Matt is the pilot, I'm the rocketeer (yeah, I changed my helmet, but then I changed it back after this match). [DLC Big Team, Avalanche]
Warthog from Hell - Matt is driving, I'm gunning. That warthog took a beating as we assaulted the enemies. It ended up flipping (as in barrel rolling, at least 3 rolls a time, one time there was 9) because it kept taking grenades and bruteshot fire (it was even hijacked from Matt at one point so I had to hop out and regain the warthog via BR fire). In the end it took one mighty beating. All the lights were gone, the windshield was totaled, the bumpers were hanging off, and the wheels were all wobbly. However I ended up gunning my way to 16 kills this run. [DLC Big Team (1), Standoff]
Crapping Oneself - This was the run before the "Warthog from Hell" run. We were nicely driving around the blue's base and the side of the Warthog was slammed by a rocket. The driver (Matt) and the passenger (???) died, however the gunner (Me) survived the rocket somehow. However I did die about 2 seconds later (after the Jeep stopped rolling). [DLC Big Team (1), Standoff]
Bathed in Light - Once again from our "warthog from hell" run. This was when matt rammed into one of the explosive forklifts on the map. [DLC Big Team (1), Standoff]
Boom - See? That forklift. [DLC Big Team (1), Standoff]
Warzone - Matt, as part of an attack against the red base. [DLC Big Team (2), Standoff]
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
To blog or not to blog... version
If you were wondering 4 decimal separations is how apple does it, because they're cool like that. Anyway I'm currently in Drivers Ed, which saps my will to live blog... to a great extent. However seeing as there is a lot going on in the wake of TGS (which has now ended, I think...) I guess I'll do another large post.
1. Who doesn't love a little Dead Space?
Dead Space, the scifi/horror game, was launched yesterday (the 14th). As far as this game goes, it looked amazing, and as the post-release reviews say: it was amazing. Seeing as I haven't actually played the game, I can't give my personal review. However, there is a link [here] to the global review(s) of Dead Space. Those reviews unanimously say: It is like crystal meth when your in a car - which I'm told roughly translates into "Fucking Awesome".
2. Jeepers Batman, that has to hurt...
Well DC vs Mortal Kombat, the game that will scar all the little kids for life. Everyone knows who Batman is, and if I - as a little kid - had seen my hero get his ass handed to him by someone like Scorpian and wind up broken and battered...well... I think I would have post-traumatic issues. In DC vs MK clothes rip, limbs break, blood flies... in other words: get kids away from the game before you scar them for life.
Currently this Mortal Komabat fighter is scheduled to come out on November 14th, and as stated above: You can kick the crap out of DC characters with MK characters (or vice-versa). However *technically* Batman should be able to beat most people, because well... he's a ninja with gadgets, and Superman is invincible, and well... MK has... kung-fu and special abilities.
Either way, it looks like its going to be a lot of fun, but once again one of the games you can steal off a friend for 8 months.
3. Turn off your TV... but not before you see my video game ads!
As most people know Obama (the US Presidential Candidate) has said "Turn off
the television set, and put the video games away". Which seems to put him in a "anti-video game" stance... which I guess is OK because he says "entertainment shouldn't be raising our kids" and I think "10 year old bastards on Halo 3's xbox live".
Either way, this is a man who makes no sense. Recently he has gone that extra mile to get the votes; he has bought advertising spots in video games. There are in fact nine different games he has bought ad space in. Games like: Maddan 2009, Burnout: Paradise, and Guitar Hero (not sure which one). He is the first President in history to use video games to support his campaign, because if your not following the elections because you live under a rock and just play video games (I mean... come on... even I know about the US elections;Sarah Palin is a whore) you'll know about him now.
4. Saints Row 2: Too Gangsta For the Po-Po.
The New York Police have a pretty large problem with Saints Row 2. They say that its over glamorizing the life of crime that plagues cities, and are in fact trying to have it pulled from stores. Saints Row 2 differs from Grand Theft Auto games (which are also hated, but never opposed by the Police) because GTA is a more ludicrous take on the gangster life style, in Saints Row 2 its much more realistic and the violence is realistic (much more so, because as in Grand Theft Auto your blowing shit up and shooting everyone, in Saints Row your into gang violence (as it really happens) and so on).
More reading: [here]
The logo for the Sony PlayStation for a long time has been all caps. After the newest update however it no longer reads "PLAYSTATION" it now reads "PlayStation".
(big news eh?)
6. Sue for DRMs
Everyone who purchased spore now essentially have $49.99 rentals. The DRM on the disc makes it so you can just use the disk to install 3 times, then your disk is useless. So say you have a PC and a Laptop, thats 2 installs used up there. Then say your PC crashes and you need to reboot, well there goes install number 3, and your all out. This was to stop piracy... it didn't work... seeing as spore was pirated and on the Internet within 10 days before the game hit the market. It was also downloaded more then 100k times during this period. One such downloader said:
More Reading: [here], [here], [here], [here], and [here].
7. Resident Video.... Twwwwooooooooo
More Resident Evil 5 videos to taunt us. Sadly this was filmed via a cam at TGS. However its still a pretty awesomely epic video.
8. Don't cry over spilled milk.
In Microsoft's case the milk is 21,600 xbox 360's and the reason they were spilled was because a train crashed carrying them. Now Microsoft is suing DHL (the train company) for the loss of the 360's. This seems like one of those "Its not our fault it happened" kind of deals, but Microsoft is still pissed, and DHL will pay... most likely.
More Reading: [here]
1. Who doesn't love a little Dead Space?
Dead Space, the scifi/horror game, was launched yesterday (the 14th). As far as this game goes, it looked amazing, and as the post-release reviews say: it was amazing. Seeing as I haven't actually played the game, I can't give my personal review. However, there is a link [here] to the global review(s) of Dead Space. Those reviews unanimously say: It is like crystal meth when your in a car - which I'm told roughly translates into "Fucking Awesome".
2. Jeepers Batman, that has to hurt...
Currently this Mortal Komabat fighter is scheduled to come out on November 14th, and as stated above: You can kick the crap out of DC characters with MK characters (or vice-versa). However *technically* Batman should be able to beat most people, because well... he's a ninja with gadgets, and Superman is invincible, and well... MK has... kung-fu and special abilities.
Either way, it looks like its going to be a lot of fun, but once again one of the games you can steal off a friend for 8 months.
3. Turn off your TV... but not before you see my video game ads!
As most people know Obama (the US Presidential Candidate) has said "Turn off
Either way, this is a man who makes no sense. Recently he has gone that extra mile to get the votes; he has bought advertising spots in video games. There are in fact nine different games he has bought ad space in. Games like: Maddan 2009, Burnout: Paradise, and Guitar Hero (not sure which one). He is the first President in history to use video games to support his campaign, because if your not following the elections because you live under a rock and just play video games (I mean... come on... even I know about the US elections;
4. Saints Row 2: Too Gangsta For the Po-Po.
The New York Police have a pretty large problem with Saints Row 2. They say that its over glamorizing the life of crime that plagues cities, and are in fact trying to have it pulled from stores. Saints Row 2 differs from Grand Theft Auto games (which are also hated, but never opposed by the Police) because GTA is a more ludicrous take on the gangster life style, in Saints Row 2 its much more realistic and the violence is realistic (much more so, because as in Grand Theft Auto your blowing shit up and shooting everyone, in Saints Row your into gang violence (as it really happens) and so on).
More reading: [here]
The logo for the Sony PlayStation for a long time has been all caps. After the newest update however it no longer reads "PLAYSTATION" it now reads "PlayStation".
(big news eh?)
6. Sue for DRMs
Everyone who purchased spore now essentially have $49.99 rentals. The DRM on the disc makes it so you can just use the disk to install 3 times, then your disk is useless. So say you have a PC and a Laptop, thats 2 installs used up there. Then say your PC crashes and you need to reboot, well there goes install number 3, and your all out. This was to stop piracy... it didn't work... seeing as spore was pirated and on the Internet within 10 days before the game hit the market. It was also downloaded more then 100k times during this period. One such downloader said:
"By downloading this torrent, you are doing the right thing," wrote one user going by the name of "deathkitten" on the popular file-sharing site The Pirate Bay. "You are letting [Electronic Arts] know that people won't stand for their ridiculously draconian 'DRM' viruses."Spore isn't the first game to have a DRM on it, in fact many have. So why is Spore so different? because it's the most aggressive. So much so that EA is currently being sued over the issue.
"You have the power to make this the most pirated game ever, to give corporate bastards a virtual punch in the face,"
More Reading: [here], [here], [here], [here], and [here].
7. Resident Video.... Twwwwooooooooo
More Resident Evil 5 videos to taunt us. Sadly this was filmed via a cam at TGS. However its still a pretty awesomely epic video.
8. Don't cry over spilled milk.
In Microsoft's case the milk is 21,600 xbox 360's and the reason they were spilled was because a train crashed carrying them. Now Microsoft is suing DHL (the train company) for the loss of the 360's. This seems like one of those "Its not our fault it happened" kind of deals, but Microsoft is still pissed, and DHL will pay... most likely.
More Reading: [here]
That'll do Konami... that'll do...
More reading: [here] and [here]
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Rappers and Video games... aparently they suck at both.
Well everyone's lovable homie Snoopdog P-diddy MnM Fifty Cent Byoncé Hannah Montana (you can tell what I don't listen to).... yeah... there are no lovable rappers, but its Souljaboy that happens to be the topic.
If you hate that song about Superflying them hoes (I think that's the song that he made... I might be wrong... don't bother correcting me, because I couldn't give a flying frakk) then join the "I hate SouljaBoy Fanclub". To add fuel to the fire of our eternal hate for this k-rapper he's apparently a 'huge gamer'. However... he's a popular black gamer that raps. My point not being racist, my point being he's that stereotype black man, with the "foo" and the "trash talking" and the money. So he's got a lot of money, and is annoying as hell, bad combo.
Recently Soulja Boy put a video on the web saying he was handing out ass-woopins on Xbox Live, primarily Halo 3. In the video he goes through all the games he has for his xbox 360 (because he can afford whatever he wants, because apparently someone listens to his 'music'and if I find out who that person is, I will rip out their eyes and rape them in the sockets) and then shows off his white PS3, that he doesn't use. Oh, before that he shows off his gamertag "Souljaboytellem" and his impressive "3372" gamer score (I have a higher score then that, and he's played 86 more games then I have). Anyway he goes and shows of Halo 3, and how he's super badass awesome at it, and how anyone he sees is dead. Apparently a lot of people go "WOAH is that souljaboy?!" then he shoots 'em in the head, and obnoxiously mocks them over mic/type/video.
Now what I don't think he realizes in his video is, we have the ability to look him up on xboxlive.com, but most importantly we can look him up on bungie.net and see his Halo 3 score.
What we find out: He sucks at the game.
Lets compare his scores to mine.

A breakdown of what that means:
If you hate that song about Superflying them hoes (I think that's the song that he made... I might be wrong... don't bother correcting me, because I couldn't give a flying frakk) then join the "I hate SouljaBoy Fanclub". To add fuel to the fire of our eternal hate for this k-rapper he's apparently a 'huge gamer'. However... he's a popular black gamer that raps. My point not being racist, my point being he's that stereotype black man, with the "foo" and the "trash talking" and the money. So he's got a lot of money, and is annoying as hell, bad combo.
Recently Soulja Boy put a video on the web saying he was handing out ass-woopins on Xbox Live, primarily Halo 3. In the video he goes through all the games he has for his xbox 360 (because he can afford whatever he wants, because apparently someone listens to his 'music'
Now what I don't think he realizes in his video is, we have the ability to look him up on xboxlive.com, but most importantly we can look him up on bungie.net and see his Halo 3 score.
What we find out: He sucks at the game.
Lets compare his scores to mine.

A breakdown of what that means:
- In social matches (the type he plays the most) his k/d ratio is .80. Meaning he dies a lot more then he kills. For ranked matches its not very much over the 1.00 (k/d are even) line.
- He has played more games then me, I have more kills, a higher exp (which means I've won more games), and a much better rank.
- He has not yet even finished the campaign game, I have, on legendary. He has about 4 different pieces of armor, I have all but 4.
- He has an experience penalty of -28. This means that he has quit 14 games before they ended (each is worth -2 I think, I thought it was -3 but that didn't add up).
Censored Vending.
Well as it would seem, back in the 1990's used panty vending machines really did exist in Japan, to be more specific used schoolgirl panty vending machines. What happened was a schoolgirl would go to a... more explicit shop, swap their panties out for a pair the man at the shop gave them, then they would wear those panties all day. At the end of the day they would return to the store, pick up their panties, return the now dirtied one, and walk out with some money; the dirtier, the more money they got.
However the Japanese government ended up passing a law that made it so used panty vending machines (of any kind) we're illegal, and all the vending machines were removed. There are rumors that some are still kick'n around Japan, but those are up there with "Nessy", "Bigfoot", and "Nice videogame companies (
As for the fact about panty dispensers in general... well... those are still around. This doesn't surprise anyone who has looked into what Japan looks like, or has ever been to Japan. They have vending machines for everything - insurance, coffee, designer condoms (don't ask... I get confused too), porn, panties, etc.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Starcrap II: I mean it this time.

The bad news keeps rolling in. So as previously commented on, Starcraft II will be split into 3 parts, each part a campaign for each of the 3 races. The good news? They're large campaigns. The bad news? It's split into 3 parts, which means having to pay $40x3. Oooh but it gets much better... in the sarastic way. These games aren't all going to be released at the same time, so you won't be able to go to
If you want to kill someone right now, join the club.
More Reading: [here]
Anyone got a crowbar?
Me and XboxLive have fallen out.
Well, my girlfriend picked me up a new 3 month xbox live gold membership time card. The only problem is apparently my code, which I typed in 100% correctly, cannot be redeemed, and I should try again later. That was while I was on my xbox 360, so I walked over to my computer, went on xboxlive.com, and tried it there. Once again it doesn't work. Same error message, even after I sat there and clicked it 1800 times. My conclusion: Xbox Live found out I was cheating on it with Battlenet.
There's still more to do with xbox live in general. As most xbox 360 users know, the Dashboard is getting upgraded again. Its going to be much sleeker, more "user friendly", and has some neat addons like: an avatar, 8 person mic chat, and its apparently going to be much faster. So far its scheduled to come out November 19th in a 128mb update. So dial up users are going to have slight time issues.
More reading on the New Xbox Live Experience and a video: [here] and [here] and [here] and of course [here]
More reading on the New Xbox Live Experience and a video: [here] and [here] and [here] and of course [here]
Sunday, October 12, 2008
To blog, or not to blog.... that is the question.
It all depends on how lazy I am. So I will blog, however there is too much information in my tabs at the moment. Therefore I am just going to do one huge post instead of many little posts about different things. I'll make it so each one is a blog inside a blog, to make it a bit more refined. (However after seeing the whole thing..... it doesn't look so great... if only I knew how to html a separator line)
1. Starcraft II: The Trilogy.
Well, as announced before Starcraft II will be broken up into 3 section, each section being a part of the campaign. However since then there have been a couple things cleared up. Even though single player campaign has been broken up by way of race, it is confirmed that you can use all the races online with a single part of the trilogy. However there are some units that you will have access to in single-player but you will not be able to use in multi-player. Units like the Goliath and 6-man bunker are only in single-player; which means your going to have to be inventive with your base defences in multiplayer. It is unconfirmed at this time if all 3 parts will be released simultaneously, and if all 3 parts will be able to bought in a single package. However if they are sold exclusively separately then its still not a waste to get all 3. Each campaign is made up of 'about 24-30 levels" and after the first few levels, you will apparently be able to chose your path. Also apparently each game will "add new multiplayer content" but it will still be playable with just 1 of the games.
Information (and more indepth reading): [here] and [here]
2. I don't wanna pay anymore...!
I just got through paying for World of Warcraft, and now Blizzard (even though they really don't want to) might have to heap a cost onto using the Battle.net to play Starcraft II. A lot of people are going "this is bullshit, starcraft 1's battlenet is STILL free". Well it costs much less to keep it up for a game that was made when almost everyone had dial up, or dial up speed Internet connections. Starcraft 2 is much more intense, so it kind of makes sense; if they run it free, it costs them money, they'll have to cancel the service.
actual article: [here]

3. Today in interesting articles - A & B buttons!
The interesting article is all about the long line of [B]&[A] buttons in relation to controllers. Its quite interesting to see how controllers have progressed but they all still keep the nice [B]&[A]. Anyway, you can read the article yourself [here].
4. WoW... that wasn't as exciting as it should have been.
Well as BlizzCon was running, it kind of makes sense there would be a new Wrath of the Lich King video, and of course there was. It's an 8 minute video showing off some of the new Northrend areas, as well it shows off a large about of the new badguys... for the first 5 minutes or so... that's where I got bored and turned it off. However I imagine that towards the end of that video there IS some actual Deathknight gameplay... or at least some level 80 raids.
5. WoW! Thats much more exciting then it should be!
When one goes to BlizzCon, they find lots of Blizzard Swag - primarily WoW swag. Seeing as I didn't get to go to Blizzcon (and oooh I tried) I just get to sit here and see what people on the Inter
net brought home. The biggest thing as Blizzcon was this: A talking murloc plushie. These sold out both (?) days Blizzcon ran for. Not only are they tiny talking murlocs, they also come in a really kick ass box! and! Even murlocs read Kotaku!
6. Resident Evil 5: Friend Time
Ever just said "hey, if there was a zombie attack, I would have your back"? Well RE5 co-op says: "OK". What that means is one player plays as Chris, and the other as his female side kick. This makes it so instead of the feeling of unease knowing that there could be some infected (remember boys and girls, they aren't Zombies anymore) coming up behind you - and in most cases (unless your back is against a wall) there are - there is now the safe a cozy feeling of "Hey, my buddy has my back, those infected African's aren't gonna get me!"... well... that is if said friend is any good at the game. The only problem is, if that friend dies, its game over for the both of you.
What Kotaku thought: [here]
It seems a lot like Resident Evil 5 is going to be more like Resident Evil 4. The first three Resident Evil's were titled "Survival Horror". However Its safe to say that much changed between 3 and 4 (and no, I'm not just talking about lack of zombies). In the original RE's you had to pick your battles, you couldn't fight all of the zombies, you just didn't have the ammo to do it. Much of Resident Evil 1-3 were about getting out alive, solving puzzles, crapping yourself, etc. However in Resident Evil 4 and 5, the infected drop ammo, and therefore you have the ability to, and in most cases you need to, kill 'em all.
Resident Evil 5 capitalizes more on the fact that the Genre has changed from "Survival Horror" to " Ah crap! Infected African people, run run run run run run shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot 3rd Person shooter, with Infected People, that has a scary element to it". The control scheme while aiming is below.
7. Fable II: What if I'm allergic to dogs!?
Well in Fable II you have a companion, a good ol' fashioned Dog. But if you don't like your dog, if you sick of keeping it happy, find it annoying, etc. you can do what any responsible dog owner would do...... ditch it on the side of the road and run away. Yup, that's right, you have the ability to abandon your dog if you don't want it anymore. Well only the cruelest of people would do this, it's still a pretty in depth feature.
More Reading [here]
1. Starcraft II: The Trilogy.
Information (and more indepth reading): [here] and [here]
2. I don't wanna pay anymore...!
I just got through paying for World of Warcraft, and now Blizzard (even though they really don't want to) might have to heap a cost onto using the Battle.net to play Starcraft II. A lot of people are going "this is bullshit, starcraft 1's battlenet is STILL free". Well it costs much less to keep it up for a game that was made when almost everyone had dial up, or dial up speed Internet connections. Starcraft 2 is much more intense, so it kind of makes sense; if they run it free, it costs them money, they'll have to cancel the service.
actual article: [here]
3. Today in interesting articles - A & B buttons!
The interesting article is all about the long line of [B]&[A] buttons in relation to controllers. Its quite interesting to see how controllers have progressed but they all still keep the nice [B]&[A]. Anyway, you can read the article yourself [here].
4. WoW... that wasn't as exciting as it should have been.
Well as BlizzCon was running, it kind of makes sense there would be a new Wrath of the Lich King video, and of course there was. It's an 8 minute video showing off some of the new Northrend areas, as well it shows off a large about of the new badguys... for the first 5 minutes or so... that's where I got bored and turned it off. However I imagine that towards the end of that video there IS some actual Deathknight gameplay... or at least some level 80 raids.
5. WoW! Thats much more exciting then it should be!
When one goes to BlizzCon, they find lots of Blizzard Swag - primarily WoW swag. Seeing as I didn't get to go to Blizzcon (and oooh I tried) I just get to sit here and see what people on the Inter
6. Resident Evil 5: Friend Time
Ever just said "hey, if there was a zombie attack, I would have your back"? Well RE5 co-op says: "OK". What that means is one player plays as Chris, and the other as his female side kick. This makes it so instead of the feeling of unease knowing that there could be some infected (remember boys and girls, they aren't Zombies anymore) coming up behind you - and in most cases (unless your back is against a wall) there are - there is now the safe a cozy feeling of "Hey, my buddy has my back, those infected African's aren't gonna get me!"... well... that is if said friend is any good at the game. The only problem is, if that friend dies, its game over for the both of you.
What Kotaku thought: [here]
It seems a lot like Resident Evil 5 is going to be more like Resident Evil 4. The first three Resident Evil's were titled "Survival Horror". However Its safe to say that much changed between 3 and 4 (and no, I'm not just talking about lack of zombies). In the original RE's you had to pick your battles, you couldn't fight all of the zombies, you just didn't have the ammo to do it. Much of Resident Evil 1-3 were about getting out alive, solving puzzles, crapping yourself, etc. However in Resident Evil 4 and 5, the infected drop ammo, and therefore you have the ability to, and in most cases you need to, kill 'em all.
Resident Evil 5 capitalizes more on the fact that the Genre has changed from "Survival Horror" to "
7. Fable II: What if I'm allergic to dogs!?
Well in Fable II you have a companion, a good ol' fashioned Dog. But if you don't like your dog, if you sick of keeping it happy, find it annoying, etc. you can do what any responsible dog owner would do...... ditch it on the side of the road and run away. Yup, that's right, you have the ability to abandon your dog if you don't want it anymore. Well only the cruelest of people would do this, it's still a pretty in depth feature.
More Reading [here]
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Best of BlizzCon
BlizzCon has now ended. Today there was a whole bunch of content about Starcraft II and Diablo III, but that's not all. Today's costume and dance contests were amazing. There were some really good costumes, and some pretty good dances (and some not so good ones, but hey).
Dance Contest:
In order of appearance (who's WoW dance they're doing):
Night Elf Male (that is the whole dance he's doing, really well too.)
Human Male (Saturday Night Feaver)
Draenei Female Dance
Bloodelf Male (Napoleon Dynamite Dance)
Orc Female Dance (Yes... that is a hot woman doing a WoW dance)
Male Bloodelf (That's one person who shouldn't dance)
Orc Male (he's got the whole thing down-pat nicely.
Draenei Female Dance (at least I'm pretty sure)
??? no fucking clue
Undead Female Dance (crappiest dance in the game).
Costume Contest Highlights:
Female Night Elf Druid
Ghost (Starcraft) - Amazingly well done costume. The woman in it is quite attractive as well.
Female Warlock - ...I think...
Female Undead Warlock
Undead Priest - ...I think... I've seen this gear before and I think it was on a priest.
WoW Baddie - I don't remember what they're called.
Female Pally - That's a big sword.
Not-quite-sure - Not sure of the race or class. It's still pretty hot though.
Female Undead
Bloodelf Rogue
Orc Warrior - 'ats a big hammer. However the costume isn't all that great. The whole thing looks like plastic.
Female NightElf Druid - I think she's supposed to be a Night Elf.
Female Bloodelf Mage - Not all that attractive woman... infact you can see her chub a bit... however its a good costume.
Female Human Warrior/Pally - Not sure of the class. What I am sure of is that is a fucking amazing costume.
Female Draenei Shaman - Not sure if the class is right. However the turtle is awesome.
Female Bloodelf Priest - Once again, same gear, so Im not sure of the class. Good costume, attractive woman.
??? - Not sure of the class... it might be a priest...
Female Draenei and Female Undead - Undead from before, but now its more then her face. Good costumes.
Female Bloodelve Pallies - Ooooh that's what I was waiting for (/drool). They're attractive, cosplaying bloodelves, and wearing some sexy armor (in the: its revealing, but tatefully so way). Maan this is the WoW kid's Princess Leia fantasy. The only problem is the ears, they look too wonky.
Dance Contest:
In order of appearance (who's WoW dance they're doing):
Night Elf Male (that is the whole dance he's doing, really well too.)
Human Male (Saturday Night Feaver)
Draenei Female Dance
Bloodelf Male (Napoleon Dynamite Dance)
Orc Female Dance (Yes... that is a hot woman doing a WoW dance)
Male Bloodelf (That's one person who shouldn't dance)
Orc Male (he's got the whole thing down-pat nicely.
Draenei Female Dance (at least I'm pretty sure)
??? no fucking clue
Undead Female Dance (crappiest dance in the game).
Costume Contest Highlights:
Female Night Elf Druid
Ghost (Starcraft) - Amazingly well done costume. The woman in it is quite attractive as well.
Female Warlock - ...I think...
Female Undead Warlock
Undead Priest - ...I think... I've seen this gear before and I think it was on a priest.
WoW Baddie - I don't remember what they're called.
Female Pally - That's a big sword.
Not-quite-sure - Not sure of the race or class. It's still pretty hot though.
Female Undead
Bloodelf Rogue
Orc Warrior - 'ats a big hammer. However the costume isn't all that great. The whole thing looks like plastic.
Female NightElf Druid - I think she's supposed to be a Night Elf.
Female Bloodelf Mage - Not all that attractive woman... infact you can see her chub a bit... however its a good costume.
Female Human Warrior/Pally - Not sure of the class. What I am sure of is that is a fucking amazing costume.
Female Draenei Shaman - Not sure if the class is right. However the turtle is awesome.
Female Bloodelf Priest - Once again, same gear, so Im not sure of the class. Good costume, attractive woman.
??? - Not sure of the class... it might be a priest...
Female Draenei and Female Undead - Undead from before, but now its more then her face. Good costumes.
Female Bloodelve Pallies - Ooooh that's what I was waiting for (/drool). They're attractive, cosplaying bloodelves, and wearing some sexy armor (in the: its revealing, but tatefully so way). Maan this is the WoW kid's Princess Leia fantasy. The only problem is the ears, they look too wonky.
Starcraft II: Starcrap.
Everyone who knows even a little about video games knows Starcraft. Everyone who knows about Starcraft should sure as hell know there's a sequel coming out at some point (never know with Blizzard). However, we find out some more thanks to TGS and BlizzCon.
Lets start with the positive first. Two new gameplay videos showing Terran vs Protoss, and Terran vs Zerg (damn they like to beat up the Terran a lot) action.
Zerg vs Terran:
Protoss vs Terran:
Well that's the good news, getting to see the 3 races in action some more. Now for the bad news. Apparently the campaign for each team is large enough that its going to be a trilogy. What that means is its going to be a lot like Age of Empires III, how it had: AoE III, AoE III: the Asian Dynasties, and AoE III: Warchiefs. So look forward to buying 3 copies of Starcraft II if you want to play the Zerg campaign, Prottos campaign, and the Terran campaign. Yay for spending $40, $40 and $40. However, I don't think this effects multiplayer. With one game (I think) you'll be able to play as all 3 in multiplayer battles.
More Reading: [here] and [here]
Lets start with the positive first. Two new gameplay videos showing Terran vs Protoss, and Terran vs Zerg (damn they like to beat up the Terran a lot) action.
Zerg vs Terran:
Protoss vs Terran:
Well that's the good news, getting to see the 3 races in action some more. Now for the bad news. Apparently the campaign for each team is large enough that its going to be a trilogy. What that means is its going to be a lot like Age of Empires III, how it had: AoE III, AoE III: the Asian Dynasties, and AoE III: Warchiefs. So look forward to buying 3 copies of Starcraft II if you want to play the Zerg campaign, Prottos campaign, and the Terran campaign. Yay for spending $40, $40 and $40. However, I don't think this effects multiplayer. With one game (I think) you'll be able to play as all 3 in multiplayer battles.
More Reading: [here] and [here]
Cosplay Magic... becuase it really is.
Well with both TGS and Blizzcon going on at the same time there is a whole lot of video game news pouring in. However before all that, lets just take a step back and admire some pretty women, and fantastic costumes (sometimes both).
Best of Blizzcon/TGS pictures: [Here] (note: these are just the best of what I've seen flying around the web, I haven't taken any)
They kind of make you sit there and wonder: what the hell does North America (not counting blizzcon) do wrong? Our cosplays are never anywhere close to the quality of those.
As a side note, while talking about costumes. More boothbabes!
Thats the Temco's booth companions. Skimpy clothing, and hot women. I'm pretty sure I have a new favorite company.
Thats SK Playmore's booth companions. Mia, Mia, Mia, Mia, and don't forget Mia.
Best of Blizzcon/TGS pictures: [Here] (note: these are just the best of what I've seen flying around the web, I haven't taken any)
They kind of make you sit there and wonder: what the hell does North America (not counting blizzcon) do wrong? Our cosplays are never anywhere close to the quality of those.
As a side note, while talking about costumes. More boothbabes!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Resident can't come fast enough Evil 5
New Resident Evil 5 trailer straight from TGS (Tokyo Game Show).
We all know that they just do this to taunt us. The video clearly shows: Wesker is being a bastard again (fuck doesn't that bastard just give up?), once again not zombies, Black People, a angry dude with a chainsaw (fuck! not again!), clear reference to the Leon incident, and most importantly: Your co-woman isn't all that sexy, give me Ada Wong or Ashley any day.
We all know that they just do this to taunt us. The video clearly shows: Wesker is being a bastard again (fuck doesn't that bastard just give up?), once again not zombies, Black People, a angry dude with a chainsaw (fuck! not again!), clear reference to the Leon incident, and most importantly: Your co-woman isn't all that sexy, give me Ada Wong or Ashley any day.
Dead Rising: Suck Till You Drop From The Sheer Crappyness Of The Game.
I'm one of the people that hear "Dead Rising" and get excited in all the right places. However, then someone goes and adds ": Chop Till You Drop" and I hurl.
Dead Rising for the Wii should be more aptly named "Sorry man, most of the zombies we're killed the first time we were here... 2 years ago... on the 360". The way I see it, so many people got the Zombie Genocider achievement, and that makes up for the extreme lack of zombies in the Wii version. The most tallied so far on the screen at once was 6 zombies. The whole fun of zombies is the massive amount in which they swarm you... well... no swarming here. However to compensate (... if you want to call it that) they have added in demon zombie poodles and parrots. Yeah... BECAUSE that compensates for them being 53, 588 zombies short. What makes it worse is that the zombies are still slow, so to avoid them its going to take about as much effort as killing carlito with the megaman blaster. However, apparently in the Japanese version they were able to get 10! at once, and at TGS (Tokyo Game Show) there was the final version, which had 30 at max.
The lack of zombies isn't the only problem. The controls are another pretty big one. They are sketchy, awkward, and downright poorly layed out. For instance, to pick up an item you have to hit both the [Z] and the [A] button.
Most of this information is from the Tokyo game show, where the game was played by quite a few people, who all said it was "Dead Rising: Chop Till... fuck it this game makes me sad".
More Reading: [here and here and screenshots]
Diablo III: Becuase who didn't see it coming.
So far there are 3 new classes: The Witchdoctor, the Barbarian, and the newly announced Wizard. The Wizard is the newest edition and (if no new classes come) the "big surprise". So it's pretty obvious that there is going to be the most information about them.
Blizzard wizard trailer:
Gameplay video:
Wizard's current (subject to change) talent tree: [here]
More Reading: [here]
Screenshots: [here]
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Fallout 3 won't feel good on my desktop....
The System requirements for Fallout 3 are:
Minimum System Requirements:
More Fallout 3 related news: The 360 version has already been leaked and is downloading to modded 360s.
This is a very uncool thing to do. This means that its going to make companies look at consoles and go "we need some form of protection against piracy here too" and we'll get some annoying anti-piracy thing. Computer games are one thing (I generally tend to have a strict "no new games policy [voided by spore, because well.... the DRM pissed me off]). Not only that but Bethesda deserves the money. They went and made one kick ass looking game, and now its going to be pirated up the wazoo. They spent something like four years making this and they're already losing money, and that game is still 20 days from launch.
Pirates you are unclassy indeed today (yeah, that's right, I'm not associating myself with these guys, at least I buy a game if its gonna be really good, and I always exclude consoles from my actions).
Update: More info [here].
Minimum System Requirements:
- Windows XP/Vista
- 1GB System RAM (XP)/ 2GB System RAM (Vista)
- 2.4 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
- Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 256MB RAM (NVIDIA 6800 or better/ATI X850 or better)
Recommended System Requirements:
- Intel Core 2 Duo processor
- 2 GB System RAM
- Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512MB RAM (NVIDIA 8800 series, ATI 3800 series)
- Supported Video Card Chipsets:
- NVIDIA GeForce 200 series
- NVIDIA Geforce 9800 series
- NVIDIA Geforce 9600 series
- NVIDIA Geforce 8800 series
- NVIDIA Geforce 8600 series
- NVIDIA Geforce 8500 series
- NVIDIA Geforce 8400 series
- NVIDIA Geforce 7900 series
- NVIDIA Geforce 7800 series
- NVIDIA Geforce 7600 series
- NVIDIA Geforce 7300 series
- NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series
- ATI HD 4800 series
- ATI HD 4600 series
- ATI HD 3800 series
- ATI HD 3600 series
- ATI HD 3400 series
- ATI HD 2900 series
- ATI HD 2600 series
- ATI HD 2400 series
- ATI X1900 series
- ATI X1800 series
- ATI X1600 series
- ATI X1300 series
- ATI X850 series
More Fallout 3 related news: The 360 version has already been leaked and is downloading to modded 360s.
Pirates you are unclassy indeed today (yeah, that's right, I'm not associating myself with these guys, at least I buy a game if its gonna be really good, and I always exclude consoles from my actions).
Update: More info [here].
Halo Again! surprised?
As anyone who browses the Internet knows
There's a trailer for the game (below) as well. Its not too detailed, it just shows off the graphics, and the character you will be playing as. Also that it's set to come out "Fall 2009". Personally I think the ODST you will be playing as looks much cooler then Master Chief.
Along with the game it will add more multiplayer maps to Halo 3.
More in Halo News: Halo Wars (the RTS). There was a third team announced: The Flood. However this team will not be playable. The flood is just a single-player enemy only. Which still means there are only 2 races to play multiplayer as.
update: [more reading here]
Halo and Metroid action!
A while (being "greater then a year") there was a video made called "Haloid". It was made by a fellow named Monty Oum and its about a 10 minute video. This man did the whole thing by himself. That means the sound effects, animation (even the characters, he didn't use any templates, they're all his), and story. It goes: OSDT vs the Covenant, Spartan vs Covenant, Spartan vs Samus, Samus and Spartan vs Covenant, Samus and Spartan being in love.
Originally when Monty Oum made this it was a 10 and a bit minute video, composed of 2 'chapters'. For some reason people have decided to separate, and in most cases cut out (and not make reference to) this second part. I included this second part below (its a good time, and just damn sexy)
By now you have probably said: "Master Chief isn't a woman, this is gay!" or "Master chief could totally beat Samus" or "Master Chief isn't in this video, what the fuck?!" or "fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap" or "This is the coolest thing ever, Monty Oum is my hero!". There are several things wrong with most of those comments. (1) Master Chief isn't T3H 1337 shit. (2) Samus is about 5000 years (estimate) more advanced then Master Chief (Master Chief is from the 26th century). (3) No, master chief isn't in the video, it's just a random spartan who happens to be female, its possible its Nichole from DoA4. (4) Yeah... there are sexual innuendos, and there are totally a lesbian-ness going on. Yes Samus is EXTREMELY HOT, and the MasterChick is also pretty hot. And yes, that dance is extremely sexy... but avoid masturbating to it... just watch it a lot.... (5) This is definitely amazing.
If you were wondering: Lesbians rock, and the reason for Monty Oum ending it as he did was so that there WASN'T a victor. If he had had it play out to the end, with one winning (and no team up and lesbian-ness) it wouldn't have been any fun he would have got huge amount of angry emails about it. This way we all had fun (except the halo fans and who cares about them) and Monty Oum doesn't get nearly as many emails as he would have.
This video happens to be widely detested by a lot of the Halo 3fanfags idiots fans. In fact there is one with an 'alternate ending' that at one point had more youtube views then the original video did (everyone who liked it saw it through different sites anyway, for the most part that is). The info on the 'alternate ending' video is: "I changed the ending, because we All know The Master Chief is not only a man or the main character, but the "Last" Spartan. So enjoy!". As stated before: this person is a complete idiot. Also his 'alternate ending' [found here] is just the full video, being cut off right after they fly away from the explosion. Also: note the bastard asshole bum-nibbler person didn't give any credit to Oum.
Originally when Monty Oum made this it was a 10 and a bit minute video, composed of 2 'chapters'. For some reason people have decided to separate, and in most cases cut out (and not make reference to) this second part. I included this second part below (its a good time, and just damn sexy)
By now you have probably said: "Master Chief isn't a woman, this is gay!" or "Master chief could totally beat Samus" or "Master Chief isn't in this video, what the fuck?!" or "fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap" or "This is the coolest thing ever, Monty Oum is my hero!". There are several things wrong with most of those comments. (1) Master Chief isn't T3H 1337 shit. (2) Samus is about 5000 years (estimate) more advanced then Master Chief (Master Chief is from the 26th century). (3) No, master chief isn't in the video, it's just a random spartan who happens to be female, its possible its Nichole from DoA4. (4) Yeah... there are sexual innuendos, and there are totally a lesbian-ness going on. Yes Samus is EXTREMELY HOT, and the MasterChick is also pretty hot. And yes, that dance is extremely sexy... but avoid masturbating to it... just watch it a lot.... (5) This is definitely amazing.
If you were wondering: Lesbians rock, and the reason for Monty Oum ending it as he did was so that there WASN'T a victor. If he had had it play out to the end, with one winning (and no team up and lesbian-ness)
This video happens to be widely detested by a lot of the Halo 3
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