This is one year old Melodie, she knows video games better than most grownups. While this cute little one year old sits in her high chair with cookies her father shows her a whole lot of flash cards, with video game characters on them. The best thing: she gets them all, in a cute little adorable kiddy way. Watch how pro this little girl is. Oh by the way, she gets them ALL right
Melodie's responses:
Showled Shake (Solid Snake - Metal Gear Solid)
Mun Up! (One up - Mario)
Hawlocard (Alucard - Castlevania)
Gwoooobbaaaa (Goomba - Mario)
Tonic (Sonic - Sonic)
Yo-shi! (Yoshi - Mario)
Medaman (Megaman - Megaman)
Pikatue-chi! (Pikachu - Pokemon) Pika Pika!
Katos (Kratos - God of War)
Link (Link - tLoZ)
Cowd (Cloud - FF7)
? (can't figure it out)
Samas (Samus - Metroid)
Krbie (Kirby - Kirby)
Ukakon (DK - Donkey Kong)
? (can't figure it out)
Meter Tief (Master Chief - Halo)
Twiforce (Triforce - tLoZ)
Tantae (Dante - Devil May Cry)
Soeboy (Sackboy - Little Big Planet)
She's awesome, and... um... if someone could pay the bail when I attempt a kidnap on this child... that would be pretty OK with me.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I love the boxing.
Well I've already said what I got for Christmas, but the day after was much better. Since it was boxing day everywhere had a massive sale, and some stores opened really early. Futureshop was on of these stores. For a while I had been looking at getting myself a DSLR camera (a.k.a. the big digital cameras... like photographers use) because I love taking pictures of well... everything that isn't people. My mom had agreed that she would get me one as a graduation present, but I got futureshop's boxingday email and it showed a really amazing camera package. I talked to my mom, and asked if I used the money I got for christmas, and the money in my bank account if I could get the camera early. She said that we could go and see if they have it. Since it was a "door crasher" deal it meant that it was only valid for the first hour the store opened... in this case 6:00 in the morning. What that meant is I had to get up at 5:00am.
My mom and I got there at 5:55am and the line was already huge.

If you know that complex, then you'll understand that at 6:00 in the morning (when the store opened) that line (represented by blue line) was into the far side of the value village parking lot.
Since they were only letting so many people in at a time (so it didn't get chaotic) my mother was constantly looking to see what everyone walking out of the store was getting, to see if anyone had gotten my prize.
We finally got in at 6:13 and went straight to the camera area, pulled out the print out, and went "hey this is what I want". The nice employee assisted in me getting my camera, and the whole bundle, plus some other stuff!
Here is what I got on that fine, fine day, and what I got it for:
Canon EOS Rebel XS
Canon 18-55mm IS lens
Canon battery grip
Canon DSLR batter (x2)
Canon Camera bag (high grade)
$899.99 $499.99
Canon 55-300mm zoom lens
$399.99 $299.99
16gig memory card
Futureshop 3 year warranty
??? (under $1000)
My mom and I got there at 5:55am and the line was already huge.
If you know that complex, then you'll understand that at 6:00 in the morning (when the store opened) that line (represented by blue line) was into the far side of the value village parking lot.
Since they were only letting so many people in at a time (so it didn't get chaotic) my mother was constantly looking to see what everyone walking out of the store was getting, to see if anyone had gotten my prize.
We finally got in at 6:13 and went straight to the camera area, pulled out the print out, and went "hey this is what I want". The nice employee assisted in me getting my camera, and the whole bundle, plus some other stuff!
Here is what I got on that fine, fine day, and what I got it for:
Futureshop 3 year warranty
??? (under $1000)
I have quite a lot of stuff for my camera now. The only thing is, I don't know when I'll have it for good. Right now I'm in the trial "you technically shouldn't get this till you graduate (I got it on grad credit + my money + 18th birthday credit) buuutt...." period.
So if I do get to keep it now there is just one problem. I'm not quite sure how to use it effectively... or to take good pictures yet... just... pretty OK pictures.
Luckily that's where this handy thing comes in handy:

this post was especially for Holly Eustace, who wanted me to specifically blog about my camera.
So if I do get to keep it now there is just one problem. I'm not quite sure how to use it effectively... or to take good pictures yet... just... pretty OK pictures.
Luckily that's where this handy thing comes in handy:
this post was especially for Holly Eustace, who wanted me to specifically blog about my camera.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
All I want for christmas...
Is pretty much what I got. I got presents from the extended family yesterday, and this morning I got the presents from my family. Later today I get the present from my girlfriend, and possibly her family.
Extended Family:
Yes, I did get a panda stuffed animal, however that is from the World Wildlife Foundation. Which means the people that got it for me, helped saved a panda for me. Which means: I saved a panda for Christmas.

ah yes, my wireless mouse for my laptop, I was using it for taking the pictures, so it had to have a seperate one.
Extended Family:

Summary of Presents:
World Wildlife Foundation Panda
A book
$50 Zellars GC's
2gig USB flash drive
Left 4 dead
Xbox 360 faceplate - Viva Pinata
1400 point card
$50 for FanExpo
Xbox 360 wireless controller - red
$50 Futureshop Gift card
50 DVD+R
$25 chapters gift certificate
Jericho Season 1 and 2
Dexter Season 1 and 2
Doctor Who Season 4
Doctor Who remote controlled Dalek
Wireless Laptop Mouse
Food and wash stuff.
Good Christmas for me, I hope others had one as well.
Merry Christmas.
World Wildlife Foundation Panda
A book
$50 Zellars GC's
2gig USB flash drive
Left 4 dead
Xbox 360 faceplate - Viva Pinata
1400 point card
$50 for FanExpo
Xbox 360 wireless controller - red
$50 Futureshop Gift card
50 DVD+R
$25 chapters gift certificate
Jericho Season 1 and 2
Dexter Season 1 and 2
Doctor Who Season 4
Doctor Who remote controlled Dalek
Wireless Laptop Mouse
Food and wash stuff.
Good Christmas for me, I hope others had one as well.
Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy whatever-we-call-it-now.
I'm off to my extended family's for Christmas dinner and presents now. I'll be getting back late on the 24th so I don't know if I'll have a chance to say what has to be said.
Marry Christmas
Happy Hanuka
Happy Holidays.
(fucking political correctness).
There will definitely be a post on the 25th, because everyone needs to know the cool swag I got for Christmas.... even though I already know (flashlight + tape + scissors are the ultimate tools for finding out what your presents are, I get a lot of cool things, but you have to wait to christmas to find out what, just like I have to wait until christmas to play with them)
Happy Holidays.
(fucking political correctness).
There will definitely be a post on the 25th, because everyone needs to know the cool swag I got for Christmas.... even though I already know (flashlight + tape + scissors are the ultimate tools for finding out what your presents are, I get a lot of cool things, but you have to wait to christmas to find out what, just like I have to wait until christmas to play with them)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Shout out at.
Fuck you VG cats, fuck you.
I have decided that I am no longer going to check the webcomic VG cats, they have let me down. They finally updated for the first time in oh... I don't know... a month. It wasn't even their main comic they updated, it was their side comic. How lame are they?
I don't even care what they say "oh it takes a long time to draw a comic". Bullshit. If xkcd and penny arcade can update without fail Monday, Wednesday, and Friday then VGcats once a week 'deadline' should be easy to meet. They aren't even as graphically intense as other comics, other comics that update, more then once a week, without fail.
For instance: Looking for Group. Its a extremely witty and amusing comic. They update twice a week, without fail. Its drawn on photoshop and it is also a lot more graphically intense then anything VG cats, penny arcade, and xkcd have put out (not knocking xkcd or penny-arcade, because they're still win). Oh, did I mention that they are also working on making a movie at the same time?
Lame VGcats, just... lame.
I have decided that I am no longer going to check the webcomic VG cats, they have let me down. They finally updated for the first time in oh... I don't know... a month. It wasn't even their main comic they updated, it was their side comic. How lame are they?
I don't even care what they say "oh it takes a long time to draw a comic". Bullshit. If xkcd and penny arcade can update without fail Monday, Wednesday, and Friday then VGcats once a week 'deadline' should be easy to meet. They aren't even as graphically intense as other comics, other comics that update, more then once a week, without fail.
For instance: Looking for Group. Its a extremely witty and amusing comic. They update twice a week, without fail. Its drawn on photoshop and it is also a lot more graphically intense then anything VG cats, penny arcade, and xkcd have put out (not knocking xkcd or penny-arcade, because they're still win). Oh, did I mention that they are also working on making a movie at the same time?
Lame VGcats, just... lame.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
omg i has a grl friend
I was playing possibly the most amusing flash game. ever. Its called "Achievement Unlocked" and pretty much... the whole point of this little game is to unlock all 99 achievements. As you'll notice as soon as you start it up: you get an achievement. This is pretty much the trend of the game, everything you do gets you an achievement. FUN!
Try to get all 99 as fast as you can.
(there little yellow thing on the side is a scroll bar, you can check out the achievements there).
Achievement Unlocked [thats the game]
That is my score.
I'm good at getting achievements.
Oh, if you wondering about the humorous (to me at least) name of this blog, it is because of a fun event that happened afterwords. Someone started being a bastard, so I slammed him. Enjoy:
I was playing possibly the most amusing flash game. ever. Its called "Achievement Unlocked" and pretty much... the whole point of this little game is to unlock all 99 achievements. As you'll notice as soon as you start it up: you get an achievement. This is pretty much the trend of the game, everything you do gets you an achievement. FUN!
Try to get all 99 as fast as you can.
(there little yellow thing on the side is a scroll bar, you can check out the achievements there).
Achievement Unlocked [thats the game]
I'm good at getting achievements.
Oh, if you wondering about the humorous (to me at least) name of this blog, it is because of a fun event that happened afterwords. Someone started being a bastard, so I slammed him. Enjoy:
Thursday, December 18, 2008
To do list.
For English class I have to do Journals on the Holocaust, and it is really sucky and 'depressing'. I decided to take a quick break and have some fun blogging.
While watching shows, and such with my girlfriend I find myself frequently looking at some of the characters and commenting "she's pretty attractive, I would sleep with her (or him)". Generally she agrees. We have a very open and amusing relationship. In no way are these people we actually know, or have a chance of meeting. In most cases it is the character that I would totally have carnal knowledge with.
Real Women (seem to all be blonde):
Real Men (I'd totally be gay for them, if they would be gay for me):
Animated/Video Game Women (if they were real, I would sleep with them):
anyway, back to the Holocaust, that cheered me up.
While watching shows, and such with my girlfriend I find myself frequently looking at some of the characters and commenting "she's pretty attractive, I would sleep with her (or him)". Generally she agrees. We have a very open and amusing relationship. In no way are these people we actually know, or have a chance of meeting. In most cases it is the character that I would totally have carnal knowledge with.
Real Women (seem to all be blonde):
Madame De Pompadour - Doctor Who "Girl in the Fireplace"
Kara Thrace (Starbuck) - Battlestar Galactica
Rose Tyler - Doctor Who.
For her, it all depends on what shes wearing, and how her hair is if I actually find her to be attractive.
Real Men (I'd totally be gay for them, if they would be gay for me):
David Tennant - The Tenth Doctor - Doctor Who.
This man has probably the coolest hair ever, and he is one of the people that I wouldn't care if he was the doctor or David Tennant.Captain Jack Harkness - Doctor Who/Torchwood
He's a big manwhore in the show, and is totally bi. In real life his actor is gay. So he should be easy.Angel - Angel
Animated/Video Game Women (if they were real, I would sleep with them):
Samus Aran - Metroid
Seras Victoria - Hellsing
The only anime woman with large breasts that I don't think looks weird with them. Plus: gotta love the uniform. Also: one of the glassy anime that never had a crotch shot of her (not disappointed)Visa - Bloodelf - World of Warcraft
Rosette Christopher - Chrono Crusade
Totally. Hot. Nun. ? (don't remember name) - Rosario + Vampire
Lamer picture then the one I had originally uploaded, but apparently it didn't work for some so.Yuna - Final Fantasy X
anyway, back to the Holocaust, that cheered me up.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I just realized...
That I enjoy blogging. Not only does it give me something to do, it also allows me to go "hey people, this is what I think about this topic". It gets more fun than that though, because of all the fun to be had, it is when a room full of people goes silent, and then laughs at you when you say "I don't use facebook, I have better things to do. Like blog."
Apparently saying "I like to blog" or "blogging is fun" makes you a social outcast. However since I was pretty much already one of those, I am pretty OK with that. The only problem with blogging is that because it is enjoyable I generally tend to blog, instead of do homework... or business ISUs. Since I have a lag order in effect there really shouldn't be any posts, but since my homework load is making me quite the depressed child, I look for things that are fun that I can do: blog. I have been told my blog is informative and interesting, but I don't really see it.
Oh wait... business.
Apparently saying "I like to blog" or "blogging is fun" makes you a social outcast. However since I was pretty much already one of those, I am pretty OK with that. The only problem with blogging is that because it is enjoyable I generally tend to blog, instead of do homework... or business ISUs. Since I have a lag order in effect there really shouldn't be any posts, but since my homework load is making me quite the depressed child, I look for things that are fun that I can do: blog. I have been told my blog is informative and interesting, but I don't really see it.
Oh wait... business.
Monday, December 15, 2008
So I'm a person who while sitting on msn will click on those stupid things that scroll by. The one that interested me was "womanizer" by Brittany Spears. Now, the word "gay" is probably floating around your head right now but I shall explain. (1) It has a picture of Brittany Spears naked, and I went "shes naked in a song again" and (2) She's still singing (apposed to her usual sleep with everyone)?
Now this video was kinda... well stupid, but not just stupid. It was Brittany Spears stupid. The video posted below took a lot of effort to actually embed, since almost all the youtube video's had the ability to copy the code disabled.
If you want those 3 minutes of your life back, well... I'm so sorry... I really am...
However there are a couple of comments I have to make about this video:
I lol'd.
(if I ever say that again, hit me)
Now this video was kinda... well stupid, but not just stupid. It was Brittany Spears stupid. The video posted below took a lot of effort to actually embed, since almost all the youtube video's had the ability to copy the code disabled.
If you want those 3 minutes of your life back, well... I'm so sorry... I really am...
However there are a couple of comments I have to make about this video:
- Brittany Spears looks stupid with black hair and BRIGHT red lipstick.
- If she's naked in the video, doesn't that mean everyone on set has seen her naked?
- Its that annoying kind of catchy.
- Lastly: I have concluded that Brittany Spears has squandered most of her wealth on drugs, and boob jobs. That is why she cannot afford to have different woman in the video, just her with different colored hair and such. This is also the reason why she can't afford panties.
I lol'd.
(if I ever say that again, hit me)
The Ultimate Grade 12 School Plan:
Now because I'm in grade 12, that means I have a shitload of homework. Since I am in the University stream that means I have ISU's. Since I am in History, English, and Business (the hardest of them) I have a shitload of ISUs (and homework).
xkcd to the rescue:
If I go insane, someone remember to call the people in the white jackets. Also: get me some ice cream, It'll calm me down before they come.
xkcd to the rescue:
If I go insane, someone remember to call the people in the white jackets. Also: get me some ice cream, It'll calm me down before they come.
Stupid people, and video games.
Like I said in a previous post (turned rant, then turned amusing Maple Story story) stupid people play video games, stupid people do stupid things, stupid people blame it on video games. Now those stupid people don't all have to be the same person, but oh well.
Stupid person number 1: Daniel Petric.
This kid is probably my hero... kinda. Since this 17 year old had a snowboarding accident last year, he has been housebound... with an infection. What that means is: "He was homebound for a year with nothing to do but watch television and play video games" [Daniel's attorney]. Now to me, that personally sounds like a blast, "oh no, poor me, all I can do is play video games all day and not do anything else" bite me.
Well apparently he owned an xbox 360, and for some reason didn't own Halo 3. Well, not "some reason", his parents wouldn't let him have it. So what do you do when your parents are stupid and won't let you get a game?virtually murder their Maple Story characters? you sneak out and buy it. When his parents caught him returning from the store they took the game from him, and also his xbox 360. Now, how thick are you to do that? not even a month (?) after Brandon Crisp... thats...thats just asking for it.
So where did they put the xbox and game? In a lockbox, with a gun. See this seems kind of silly to me, but this is what actually happened. Anyway so Daniel broke into the lockbox, removed his xbox, halo, and the gun. Then he went into the living room and asked his parents to sit down, because he had a surprise for them. Well that surprise was a couple rounds to the head (and im sure they were expecting macaroni necklaces). The mother died instantly, however he (having not had a chance to play halo, and get some experience shooting) didn't kill the father.
The boy was arrested, and is standing trial. Maybe he can plead insanity.
More Reading: [here] and [here]
Stupid Person(s) Number 2: [underage identity protection law]^2
The best kind of crime happens in a trailer park. Since this is a "somber" story, I guess I should be more serious. However since it was committed by two children (6 years old, and 7 years old) there aren't a whole lot of details.
Pretty much what went down: these 2 kids, after playing Grand Theft Auto (one of them, 3 I think), decided to go out and find one of the local stray cats. This wasn't to go on drive by shootings with the cat... well... not exactly. The cat seemed to have been the target; they stoned the cat, then caught it and hung it in a tree... with a PS2 controller.
Now see, if the parents hadn't been cheap bastards and bought them at least a PS3, they couldn't have hung anything with the wireless controllers. Anyway the whole crime has outrage the trailer park community. The whole thing has been blamed on GTA, and the kids only get psychological reprimand.
Everyone is happy... except that cat... which I'm sure isn't too happy about the situation...
Full Article: [here]
Stupid person number 1: Daniel Petric.
This kid is probably my hero... kinda. Since this 17 year old had a snowboarding accident last year, he has been housebound... with an infection. What that means is: "He was homebound for a year with nothing to do but watch television and play video games" [Daniel's attorney]. Now to me, that personally sounds like a blast, "oh no, poor me, all I can do is play video games all day and not do anything else" bite me.
Well apparently he owned an xbox 360, and for some reason didn't own Halo 3. Well, not "some reason", his parents wouldn't let him have it. So what do you do when your parents are stupid and won't let you get a game?
So where did they put the xbox and game? In a lockbox, with a gun. See this seems kind of silly to me, but this is what actually happened. Anyway so Daniel broke into the lockbox, removed his xbox, halo, and the gun. Then he went into the living room and asked his parents to sit down, because he had a surprise for them. Well that surprise was a couple rounds to the head (and im sure they were expecting macaroni necklaces). The mother died instantly, however he (having not had a chance to play halo, and get some experience shooting) didn't kill the father.
The boy was arrested, and is standing trial. Maybe he can plead insanity.
More Reading: [here] and [here]
Stupid Person(s) Number 2: [underage identity protection law]^2
The best kind of crime happens in a trailer park. Since this is a "somber" story, I guess I should be more serious. However since it was committed by two children (6 years old, and 7 years old) there aren't a whole lot of details.
Pretty much what went down: these 2 kids, after playing Grand Theft Auto (one of them, 3 I think), decided to go out and find one of the local stray cats. This wasn't to go on drive by shootings with the cat... well... not exactly. The cat seemed to have been the target; they stoned the cat, then caught it and hung it in a tree... with a PS2 controller.
Now see, if the parents hadn't been cheap bastards and bought them at least a PS3, they couldn't have hung anything with the wireless controllers. Anyway the whole crime has outrage the trailer park community. The whole thing has been blamed on GTA, and the kids only get psychological reprimand.
Everyone is happy... except that cat... which I'm sure isn't too happy about the situation...
Full Article: [here]
Sunday, December 14, 2008
RE: Like.. Oh snaps.
Soulja is pretty much hated by every gamer around, especially because of that news about his game coming out. However apparently someone like Souljaboy, or his music wouldn't go anywhere (its those wigger kids that hate us Nerdy kids, this is how they get back at us for us being smarter).
Anyway to show just how much the gaming world hates Souljaboy:
How awesome is that?
(by the way, I know its hilarious but you should probably breathe)
Anyway to show just how much the gaming world hates Souljaboy:
Know Your Foe:If you wondering who gave us such helpful tips on assraping Souljaboy: It's the staff of Bungie (the guys who made Halo).
In a one-on -one scenario with Soulja Boy, you’re dealing with a guy who barely pushes a 1.0 kp/d (kills per death) at level 14. Contrary to his self-professed cranking, Soulja Boy ain’t no Robocop. His primary tools of destruction are melee and AR (like a lot of Halo 3 players). Most of his gameplay is going to center on getting close to you and thwacking you with a melee.
Douse his fire in water. Super soak dat oh! Play a ranged game. Learn where the scoped weapons are and find the right place to set up a perch. Remember to crouch-walk if you want to stay off of his radar. When possible, pair your Battle Rifle with a close-quarters weapon. Grenades don’t always have to be offensive, you can throw grenades in places you’ve been or places you don’t want him to get to. Soulja Boy is probably going to chase you a lot. You should go all Ice Tea on that azz.
Know the Rules:
Frankie [O'Connor, former Bungie content manager] and I used to play a ton of 1v1 back before “Halo 3″ shipped, and while it wasn’t much of a competitive match – his hands are old and his reflexes are slow – we did do a few things to a map like Guardian to even out the balance of power (i.e. give him a small chance at staying competitive) for 1v1. At his behest we turned off things like Overshield and Active Camo, which work great in team environments, but you may not want them on for this grudge match. If Soulja Boy wants the power-ups on, regardless of what map you pick (I’d suggest Cold Storage) you have to control them.
You should set the maps in advance so that you both have ample time to learn what weapons spawn where. Learning the flow between different rooms and what weapons or grenades to use (when they are available) and then where to take those weapons is going to make or break you.
Get Inside His Head:
One on one against Soulja Boy? If you can handle it, you should just play his own music really loud into the headset during your match. He’ll either get distracted by hearing his voice inside his head or you can cling to the thin hope that he’ll start dancing and rapping along, distracting him from his much more important task at hand.
If all else fails, you should go Gilbert Arenas style and get an MLG Pro to play him for you.
How awesome is that?
(by the way, I know its hilarious but you should probably breathe)
English sucks.
And no, I don't mean the class, which currently sucks^2. I'm talking about our language. It is one of the most confusing languages ever. I am quite glad it is the one I learnt first. To show this lets just analyze one part of our language.
a: to fix or set officially b: to name officially
prefix: "not".
to fail to meet the expectation or hope of
that doesn't make sense now does it... shouldn't "disappoint" mean "to not be appointed"? Not in our language.
a: a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : cloak b: a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authoritymantle of leadership> 2 a: something that covers, enfolds, or envelops.
prefix: "not".
to take to pieces ; also : to destroy the integrity or functioning of
That still doesn't make any sense. Dismantle should mean... "to take off a mantle". Not "take apart". From here it kind of gets redundant to go through all of the dis- faults our language has. It gets even more redundant to go threw ALL the faults our language has.
and for some reason we think we have the best language...
a: to fix or set officially b: to name officially
prefix: "not".
to fail to meet the expectation or hope of
that doesn't make sense now does it... shouldn't "disappoint" mean "to not be appointed"? Not in our language.
a: a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : cloak b: a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authority
prefix: "not".
to take to pieces ; also : to destroy the integrity or functioning of
That still doesn't make any sense. Dismantle should mean... "to take off a mantle". Not "take apart". From here it kind of gets redundant to go through all of the dis- faults our language has. It gets even more redundant to go threw ALL the faults our language has.
and for some reason we think we have the best language...
So there's a Halo Knight coming up at my place (just a bunch of us get together and play halo, drink pop, play pool, heroscape, etc). What that means is I've been getting back into playing some Halo 3, because it has been forever since I last played it. So I've been messing around lately, getting back into the groove (and lowering my k/d ratio... I suck since my absence). Tonight I was playing with a friend, and we were rockin' the online multiplayer matches.
There were some fun games, but then his total game experience (1 point of experience for winning a game... usually, unless its a double exp. weekend thing) hit 666 and wanted to take a screenshot of it. While we were waiting for bungie.net to upload his scores we just messed around in private matches (1vs1 offline) so it didn't screw up his experience. We ended up playing Guardian, with just sniper rifles, to improve no-scoping skill.
It was a pretty fun game, but about 30 seconds before it ended, something extraordinary happened.
just in case you can't make out whats happening, I'll describe the full scene: I charged at him and threw a plasma grenade, which was way off. From there we started circling each other and firing our sniper-rifles (no scope) quite ineffectively each other. I threw another grenade at him and at the same time he fired, and then about .5 seconds later the grenade blew up. At the time we didn't understand what happened, the grenade shouldn't have blown up that quickly, it was strange.
In going back and reviewing the video we saw what actually happened: the grenade I threw happened to pass right in front of his bullet, stopping it from hitting me. Yeah, that's not the sniper shot glitching out, it actually hit the grenade, and stopped the shot. However since it all happened really fast (in about... .7 seconds) it was impossible to get a picture of the bullet dead on connecting with the bullet, it was about... 2 frames before this shot), however you can still see where the bullet connected with the grenade, and where the grenade was... 2 frames later. From the trajectory of the bullet, it looks as though it would have hit me right in the head. So this fluky, fluky happening saved my life.
There were some fun games, but then his total game experience (1 point of experience for winning a game... usually, unless its a double exp. weekend thing) hit 666 and wanted to take a screenshot of it. While we were waiting for bungie.net to upload his scores we just messed around in private matches (1vs1 offline) so it didn't screw up his experience. We ended up playing Guardian, with just sniper rifles, to improve no-scoping skill.
It was a pretty fun game, but about 30 seconds before it ended, something extraordinary happened.

In going back and reviewing the video we saw what actually happened: the grenade I threw happened to pass right in front of his bullet, stopping it from hitting me. Yeah, that's not the sniper shot glitching out, it actually hit the grenade, and stopped the shot. However since it all happened really fast (in about... .7 seconds) it was impossible to get a picture of the bullet dead on connecting with the bullet, it was about... 2 frames before this shot), however you can still see where the bullet connected with the grenade, and where the grenade was... 2 frames later. From the trajectory of the bullet, it looks as though it would have hit me right in the head. So this fluky, fluky happening saved my life.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thats just... Taki.
All I have to say about this doll is: Taki the Ninja has a secret (check the nether area).

Seeing as I'm supposed the be informative in some way... I guess I'll make more then that comment: Female Ninja's need erect boobies. They're good as secondary weapons, poking people who get too close, opening cans, cutting glass, and of course: scissors.
Now that I'm done that, I guess I can make comments about what it is. That is supposed to be a Taki (from Soul Caliber) doll. Since the face, legs, clothing, boobies, and pretty much everything else looks stupid... I'll just... uh... talk about other things.
SHE HAS A HUGE PACKAGE DOWN THERE (hence: taki the ninja has a secret).
You're probably looking at that and going "woah, boobies" (whats with me and reporting about boobies lately?). However a quick google of Soul Caliber IV shows me something I didn't know...
Taki looks really creepy in this game. I mean... her costume always looked kinda... stupid as fuck, but still she was a pretty OK character (specially when you changed her costume).
Even though the dolls face is messed up, and the character's face is messed up... it's a different type of messed up. The jump suits are different colours (both are taki as hell).
The one thing they kept the same? The pointy nipples and the package. So really, you can't blame the people who made the doll, they did the best job of making a likeness that they could....
More pictures and article: [here]
Seeing as I'm supposed the be informative in some way... I guess I'll make more then that comment: Female Ninja's need erect boobies. They're good as secondary weapons, poking people who get too close, opening cans, cutting glass, and of course: scissors.
Now that I'm done that, I guess I can make comments about what it is. That is supposed to be a Taki (from Soul Caliber) doll. Since the face, legs, clothing, boobies, and pretty much everything else looks stupid... I'll just... uh... talk about other things.
SHE HAS A HUGE PACKAGE DOWN THERE (hence: taki the ninja has a secret).
You're probably looking at that and going "woah, boobies" (whats with me and reporting about boobies lately?). However a quick google of Soul Caliber IV shows me something I didn't know...
Even though the dolls face is messed up, and the character's face is messed up... it's a different type of messed up. The jump suits are different colours (both are taki as hell).
The one thing they kept the same? The pointy nipples and the package. So really, you can't blame the people who made the doll, they did the best job of making a likeness that they could....
More pictures and article: [here]
Dawn of a New War.
Dawn of War, Relic Entertainment's top selling Warhammer 40k RTS game. It has so far had 3 expansions, and each one has added more races, making it the first RTS with 12 (?) totally different playable races. The original Dawn of War game won Game of the Year, Dawn of War: Winter Assault won RTS game of the year.
It is an amazing series, and now.... it shall go on.
Dawn of War II was announced a while back, however it wasn't until late last year that any details came out about it, and it wasn't until recently that we received an actual video. If your thinking "how come they're calling it Dawn of War II, and not just another expansion" it is because this changes the game... forever.
Dawn of War II's campaign (at least) is taking a step in the opposite direction. It is still an RTS, but it capitalizes much more on the "S". As seen in the video you have squad leaders. However from all information so far, this game is like if an RTS and an RPG had a baby.
Long gone are the days of heaping nameless, faceless marines into a god-forsaken battle on some god-forsaken rock. Now each of your squad commanders have names, faces, stories. Gone are the bases, from all recent news there are no more bases, just your squads, and the items they receive for completing missions (this is single player at least).
The changes run deeper than that though... much deeper. From our trusty friend wikipedia:
I don't know if I am going to like this game. It seems like its going to be like the game Commandos. However! It will have the traditional multiplayer. Some of the more Warhammer-hardened players out there might have noticed these fella's in the video:
For those not familiar with warhammer (or just what the hell those purple things are) its the Tyranids. Think...... Aliens (as in, the movies). They have been confirmed to be a multiplayer playable class as well! AWESOME. That brings the unit tally [uncomfirmed if they will all reappear in DoW II] up to.... a lot: Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Orks, Eldar, Chaos, Tau, Necrons, Dark Eldar, the Sisters of Battle, and now the Tyranids. Sweet.
It is an amazing series, and now.... it shall go on.
Dawn of War II was announced a while back, however it wasn't until late last year that any details came out about it, and it wasn't until recently that we received an actual video. If your thinking "how come they're calling it Dawn of War II, and not just another expansion" it is because this changes the game... forever.
Dawn of War II's campaign (at least) is taking a step in the opposite direction. It is still an RTS, but it capitalizes much more on the "S". As seen in the video you have squad leaders. However from all information so far, this game is like if an RTS and an RPG had a baby.
Long gone are the days of heaping nameless, faceless marines into a god-forsaken battle on some god-forsaken rock. Now each of your squad commanders have names, faces, stories. Gone are the bases, from all recent news there are no more bases, just your squads, and the items they receive for completing missions (this is single player at least).
The changes run deeper than that though... much deeper. From our trusty friend wikipedia:
- There will be no base-building during the single player campaign.
- The player will not be able to build new units during the missions themselves, and will only have limited reinforcement options during missions
- Consequences regarding mission choices. For example there may be multiple distress calls to answer, each available for a limited duration. During a mission you may have to choose between saving civilians or obtaining War Gear.
- Control of only five or six squads. However, each squad will be highly unique in their combat specialty and even voice acting.
- Redesigned War Gear - War Gear can be obtained by accomplishing objectives during missions and is randomly dropped sometimes by enemies. After identification it can be equipped on squads, and stored in an RPG style inventory.
- Better cover bonuses, and a new emphasis on methods of dealing with units in cover (e.g. destroying cover with grenades or ignoring cover bonuses with flamers).
- Improved squad AI - for example, squads under fire will seek out cover.
- Jet troopers on a crumbling bridge will jump off the bridge, without you telling them to.
- Jet troopers on a crumbling bridge will jump off the bridge, without you telling them to.
- More realistically sized vehicles (i.e. larger than before).
- Squads will acquire experience and become stronger as the game is played, from a new recruit to a hardened veteran.
- Jetpack units take off and land more realistically (i.e. not such a linear path).
- Commanders will level up and learn new abilities as well as gain different bonuses.
I don't know if I am going to like this game. It seems like its going to be like the game Commandos. However! It will have the traditional multiplayer. Some of the more Warhammer-hardened players out there might have noticed these fella's in the video:
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Philosophy... bitches.
I was looking through my flash drive's comic folder, browsing my xkcd comics, and getting a chuckle (they're still funny, the 16th time around), and I came across this particular comic:

and I thought: would it be gay if you kissed yourself from an alternate dimension? and would that count as incest, because you would both have the same parents.
and then I thought: would it be gay if you kissed a clone of yourself? Since you both exactly the same, wouldn't that be kind of like masterbation? or would that also be incest, because your totally blood related.
Either way, I don't have an answer, but it keeps me up at night...
(I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss myself)
and I thought: would it be gay if you kissed yourself from an alternate dimension? and would that count as incest, because you would both have the same parents.
and then I thought: would it be gay if you kissed a clone of yourself? Since you both exactly the same, wouldn't that be kind of like masterbation? or would that also be incest, because your totally blood related.
Either way, I don't have an answer, but it keeps me up at night...
(I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss myself)
"like... oh snaps"
A while back I posted that Souljaboy video, where he made an entire internet wide challenge to gamers - if they could beat him at Halo 3, or CoD4. Since then I haven't really heard anything about what came of that challenge, but I'm sure there was a spike in the amount Halo 3 and CoD4 was played. Souljaboy pisses off the best of us gamers, so who wouldn't want to hop on xbox live and give the rapper a spanking he wont ever forget?
Even I (for a while) sat down, dusted off my copy of halo 3 (metaphorically of course, all my games are well maintained, even if they aren't used), and entered and played game, after game, after game. All the time looking for Souljaboytellem. I never found him... the closest I came to that gamertag was "Souljaboyfan" (whom I proceeded to camp and t-bag for a whole game).
This is one rapper who needs to go down the path of a certain other rapper (that one that got shot... fiddy cent I think?). No matter how hard we try, he wont go away, and it is all youtube's fault. I'll get to that later. More importantly: since the release of his challenge, apparently some video game companies emailed Souljaboy and asked him if he wanted to make a game. He said yes.
See? This is how I know that there is no God. He allows Souljaboy to live, and doesn't smote him when crap like this happens. The best part of the whole thing is when he says "I was like... oh snaps". The foreboding and evil news? He's getting a video game... because he doesn't already have a big enough false ego.
One Kotaku reader (and my brother) said:
(my comment about hating youtube was simply this: Souljaboy did not have any form of single record, or deal, or anything. The only reason he became any form of popular was because he posted a video on youtube that he did himself, it was his song.... [crank 'dat I think... I donno it was whatever his first one was].
Full Interview
(it's really funny, its about all sorts of things, and he actually talks black)
Even I (for a while) sat down, dusted off my copy of halo 3 (metaphorically of course, all my games are well maintained, even if they aren't used), and entered and played game, after game, after game. All the time looking for Souljaboytellem. I never found him... the closest I came to that gamertag was "Souljaboyfan" (whom I proceeded to camp and t-bag for a whole game).
This is one rapper who needs to go down the path of a certain other rapper (that one that got shot... fiddy cent I think?). No matter how hard we try, he wont go away, and it is all youtube's fault. I'll get to that later. More importantly: since the release of his challenge, apparently some video game companies emailed Souljaboy and asked him if he wanted to make a game. He said yes.
Complex: Would you ever want your own video game?
Soulja Boy: I’m glad that you brought that up. Soulja Boy video game is coming for Xbox 360 in 2009. After I put the Xbox 360 challenge up on the Internet, it was over all these video game sites. And a couple video game companies hit me up on my email because I put the email on there too. And hit me up like, “Blah, blah, blah, blah.” So I was like, “Oh snaps!” So I forwarded to my management, and they forwarded to my label. And now we’re doing the video game. It was the same way I got signed for my music. It’s like history repeating itself, but instead of music this time it’s about video games.
See? This is how I know that there is no God. He allows Souljaboy to live, and doesn't smote him when crap like this happens. The best part of the whole thing is when he says "I was like... oh snaps". The foreboding and evil news? He's getting a video game... because he doesn't already have a big enough false ego.
One Kotaku reader (and my brother) said:
Goddamn I hate him and his stupid face. He sucks at Halo (go look him up, hes got a lower than 1:1 KD, and even plays PRIVATE games for the majority), he talks like something heavy hit him in the head as a small child.Well... here's hoping we don't get a repeat of Fiddys game and people actually purchase this crap.
it pretty much sums up what I was going to say anyway.
(my comment about hating youtube was simply this: Souljaboy did not have any form of single record, or deal, or anything. The only reason he became any form of popular was because he posted a video on youtube that he did himself, it was his song.... [crank 'dat I think... I donno it was whatever his first one was].
Full Interview
(it's really funny, its about all sorts of things, and he actually talks black)
Monday, December 08, 2008
Oh those Japanese...
I have concluded that the Japanese have the coolest things ever, even though most of them are naughty in some way... but! that's pretty OK because they are still hilariously funny. I am kinda curious what it is about the Japanese culture that gives them so many naughty-related things...
They had those used panty dispensers, which seems kind of weird because they were schoolgirls' panties but I guess that is still kind of borderline culturally weird.
They made Hentai, which for anyone who doesn't know is anime/video game porn. This one at least has a background as to why it was made (and also with characters like Samus Aran, I can see why there would be this type of porn). The Japanese have strict laws on pornography: any time that the naughty bits are shown it must be heavily blurred. So hentai came around for the teenage group - you know... the video game playing, anime watching people. Since they didn't have laws on this kind of material it was ok to show penis' and such. Then another law put a stop to that, so there was tentacle-hentai; because tentacles aren't penises. Then another law got passed that censored that (this is just through general Q & A with one of my ex-WoW buddies who is an avid hentai fan). However at some point they it became such a huge thing, and the Japanese kind of eased up on censorship (on hentai, real porn is still censored). The Japanese culture seems to be a very... open kind of one. They even have releases for hentai DS games and such... like... storewide releases.
Anyway so I was informed of something that to me, seemed quite fun: Pudding boobs. The strangest thing about it? it still manages to be Japanese... you know... cute and some how unoffensive.

These delectably tasty looking boobies go for about $4.00, and you get 2(ha!)! So the thing I need to look for if I ever make it to Japan: Pudding boobies (someone needs to be a pioneer and try them... and I'm willing to take one for the team.).
Edit: I just figured out what to call them! jublies!
They had those used panty dispensers, which seems kind of weird because they were schoolgirls' panties but I guess that is still kind of borderline culturally weird.
They made Hentai, which for anyone who doesn't know is anime/video game porn. This one at least has a background as to why it was made (and also with characters like Samus Aran, I can see why there would be this type of porn). The Japanese have strict laws on pornography: any time that the naughty bits are shown it must be heavily blurred. So hentai came around for the teenage group - you know... the video game playing, anime watching people. Since they didn't have laws on this kind of material it was ok to show penis' and such. Then another law put a stop to that, so there was tentacle-hentai; because tentacles aren't penises. Then another law got passed that censored that (this is just through general Q & A with one of my ex-WoW buddies who is an avid hentai fan). However at some point they it became such a huge thing, and the Japanese kind of eased up on censorship (on hentai, real porn is still censored). The Japanese culture seems to be a very... open kind of one. They even have releases for hentai DS games and such... like... storewide releases.
Anyway so I was informed of something that to me, seemed quite fun: Pudding boobs. The strangest thing about it? it still manages to be Japanese... you know... cute and some how unoffensive.
Edit: I just figured out what to call them! jublies!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
It is no wonder...
Video games have a baaaaad reputation, and from that: gamers have a bed reputation. Actually I think it is anything that forces you to use your imagination in some way, shape, or form has gotten a bad reputation.
There have been many cases of people doing stupid things and blaming it on Video Games, D&D, Rammstien, etc. All of these get a special case in the spot-light. However it kind of brings into question (from me at least) why?
Why are these things always blamed for bad things that happen? Everything causes things to happen: gambling causes people to die, football takes away a lot of your life, etc. I believe strongly in the fact that people blame it on video games because they need a scapegoat of some variety. If parents had to sit down and go "wow... our kid was just messed up..." it would be 'horrible' for them. So: they get some form of solace going "grrrr... video games made him do it" or "angry music made them do it". If more people started to realize that the human race is one fucked up entity, it would drive most people bonkers.
Lets see here. The kids that walked into the school and shot a whole bunch of people (featured in Bowling for Columbine) were fucked up kids in the first place. They had extreme mental problems and rage issues.
Brandon Crisp. Everyone is saying how he was completely obsessed with his game. Which he probably was kinda obsessed. However the prime thing is that he was part of a guild which required him to come on every day and play for a bit. That's apparently a huge deal but... does anyone realize that a football team requires you to do this as well?
Anyway onto the real point of this blog (it wasn't actually meant to be a rant). Stupid people play video games.
A 43-year-old Japanese piano teacher finds herself in jail because she viciously committed heinous murder... virtually... in MapleStory. To make it worse, it was her virtual-HUSBAND!
If you didn't click the link I'll give you a little synopsis of MapleStory. Its a 2D free side-scrolling MMORPG. You go around and kill things and level up (in a very cute manner). The game also has a social aspect to it, the same as every other MMO. However this one has an aspect that very few others have: marriage. Sure World of Warcraft allows you to buying a tux, a wedding dress, a bouquet of flowers, and wedding rings (I just realized what Matt Davis should get his girlfriend for Christmas!) but MapleStory allows you to actually marry your "toons".
This woman had been virtually married for over a year to a 33-year-old Japanese man she had never met before. I am curious to know how these two love-birds met, if one said in general chat "Looking for someone to be my virtual boyfriend" and it just virtually advanced from there. Anyway so about mid-may (the news got to us late, and I got to blogging about it late) the man up and virtually divorced his piano teacher wife. He however didn't give her a reason at all. (I wonder if she gets 1/2 the experience and a steady flow of gold each month from him)
So what does someone do when they are virtually divorced suddenly? Do what normal people do and eat lots of ice cream (or in her case, virtual ice cream). Bah no! You commit virtual murder! She hacked into his MapleStory account, and deleted his character... from existence. Later she was arrested and is facing charges ofvirtual murder illegally accessing a computer and manipulating data. If she is found guilty she will face 5 years in prison and a $5000 fine.
So remember boys and girls. If one day you find yourselves virtually divorced: just go down to the local inn, spend about 50 gold on ale, and drink away your sorrows. Don't do anything harsh and virtually murder anyone.
full article here
There have been many cases of people doing stupid things and blaming it on Video Games, D&D, Rammstien, etc. All of these get a special case in the spot-light. However it kind of brings into question (from me at least) why?
Why are these things always blamed for bad things that happen? Everything causes things to happen: gambling causes people to die, football takes away a lot of your life, etc. I believe strongly in the fact that people blame it on video games because they need a scapegoat of some variety. If parents had to sit down and go "wow... our kid was just messed up..." it would be 'horrible' for them. So: they get some form of solace going "grrrr... video games made him do it" or "angry music made them do it". If more people started to realize that the human race is one fucked up entity, it would drive most people bonkers.
Lets see here. The kids that walked into the school and shot a whole bunch of people (featured in Bowling for Columbine) were fucked up kids in the first place. They had extreme mental problems and rage issues.
Brandon Crisp. Everyone is saying how he was completely obsessed with his game. Which he probably was kinda obsessed. However the prime thing is that he was part of a guild which required him to come on every day and play for a bit. That's apparently a huge deal but... does anyone realize that a football team requires you to do this as well?
Anyway onto the real point of this blog (it wasn't actually meant to be a rant). Stupid people play video games.
actual blog:
A 43-year-old Japanese piano teacher finds herself in jail because she viciously committed heinous murder... virtually... in MapleStory. To make it worse, it was her virtual-HUSBAND!
If you didn't click the link I'll give you a little synopsis of MapleStory. Its a 2D free side-scrolling MMORPG. You go around and kill things and level up (in a very cute manner). The game also has a social aspect to it, the same as every other MMO. However this one has an aspect that very few others have: marriage. Sure World of Warcraft allows you to buying a tux, a wedding dress, a bouquet of flowers, and wedding rings (I just realized what Matt Davis should get his girlfriend for Christmas!) but MapleStory allows you to actually marry your "toons".
This woman had been virtually married for over a year to a 33-year-old Japanese man she had never met before. I am curious to know how these two love-birds met, if one said in general chat "Looking for someone to be my virtual boyfriend" and it just virtually advanced from there. Anyway so about mid-may (the news got to us late, and I got to blogging about it late) the man up and virtually divorced his piano teacher wife. He however didn't give her a reason at all. (I wonder if she gets 1/2 the experience and a steady flow of gold each month from him)
"I was suddenly divorced, without a word of warning. That made me so angry,"
So what does someone do when they are virtually divorced suddenly? Do what normal people do and eat lots of ice cream (or in her case, virtual ice cream). Bah no! You commit virtual murder! She hacked into his MapleStory account, and deleted his character... from existence. Later she was arrested and is facing charges of
full article here
RE: Love from the best.
So about 5 days ago I posted "Love from the best" about the guy that sings the Mario Love Song. Now I thought this song was brilliant, and original. I blogged about it, I added it to my youtube favorites, and so far I have watched it quite a bit, because it is really really good. However today was the first time that I noticed that it had numerous set "video replies" (or whatever they're called). So I sat there and went through them, and found some pretty good covers of the song, a guy playing at a open-mike-night, and then... this:
(beware, turn you sound down lower... or just mute it and look at the lyrics below)
The puberty comment is because in the video it definitely sounds like his voice is cracking. Oh, and if your wondering: Im not on youtube as TheBoxNinja because well... that used to be me... until my account was banned. Then I just made a new account as BoxNinja, which doesn't have the same "ring" to it.
(beware, turn you sound down lower... or just mute it and look at the lyrics below)
You will be samus and I will be foxNow, this kid had the nerve to call this song a cover (if you listen to it, you might see why I dislike him) for many many reasons. To save time, and display something funny, I copied and put together the comment that lead into mine, and then my comments, and the author's reply (so far).
Youll shoot me with missles, ill re-flect your shocks
It seems so uneven but it will be fair
Ill use my reflector or stick you in air
Well turn off the items and meet at our spot
Bellow near the engine behind the great fox
The R-Wings wont touch us wont get in our way
And we can just smash till the end of our days
And Ganondorf, is just above our heads
His legs pointing down, we all know whats ahead
Lets play again
Time is of essence, our damage is high
If I was your Kirby youd ask me to fly
High above corneria, it wouldnt be fair
Youd win the game by just hanging in air
You can be DK and I will be Link
Youll grab me and jump off, together wed sink
Id ask you how come? but you wouldnt explain
Soon well be back in the melee again
And Ganondorf, is just above our heads
His legs pointing down, we all know whats ahead
Lets play again
RE: for those looking for cheap electronics.
No one likes Circuit City/the Source, next to no one shops there, they are usually drastically overpriced, unhelpful, and understocked. This is probably one of the reasons they had to file for bankruptcy (apart from the shit economy).
However what is bad for them, is good for us. They are having a massive sale on most of their stuff.
Check out the store! Look at all the savings!
The coolest thing? $199.99 xbox 360 arcade kit - that's the normal pricing, it only comes with a controller and no Hard Drive. It is generally a rip off. However: add their $40 20gig HD and controller bundle and you save quite a bit of money, and end up with 2 controllers.
If you have the money to by a laptop, I'm kinda thinking it would be a good idea to buy one from Circuit City... like... now. See? You save from $40-300 depending on the laptop.
However what is bad for them, is good for us. They are having a massive sale on most of their stuff.
Check out the store! Look at all the savings!
The coolest thing? $199.99 xbox 360 arcade kit - that's the normal pricing, it only comes with a controller and no Hard Drive. It is generally a rip off. However: add their $40 20gig HD and controller bundle and you save quite a bit of money, and end up with 2 controllers.
If you have the money to by a laptop, I'm kinda thinking it would be a good idea to buy one from Circuit City... like... now. See? You save from $40-300 depending on the laptop.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Reviewing the weekend +1
Since I live in the KPR school board area I got a P.A. day on friday. What that meant was I had thursday night to stay up late, I had friday night to stay up late, and I have saturday night to stay up late-ish. Also my girlfriend has been gone since wednsday (but I haven't seen her since monday, /sad) which means I had all weekend to game, and watch movies.
Left 4 Dead
Brendan (my brother) came up/over on thursday and brought Left 4 Dead with him, which meant I had a chance to play it for realz. Since he later had friends over I spent most of the night playing this, and then went to bed. He left early in the morning and forgot to take his game back with him, which meant I had it from thursday to saturday.
For everyone who doesn't know about this game, it is a zombie survival game. You play through the game as 4 survivors trying to get to safety from the zombie attacks. Sounds pretty traditional right? Bah no! The zombies are FAST, there are a lot of them, and they never stop. Oh, and there are 5 types of special infected as well - Smokers (who used to be heavy smokers before the zombie plague. They're like lickers from Resident Evil), Hunters (used to be druggies. They pounce on survivors and rip them to little bits, unless they're shot off the survivor), Boomers (used to be fat people. They can spew bile, which attracts a horde of the standard zombies to the survivor(s) that was barfed on), Tanks (used to be bodybuilders. Hulking masses, there are generally very few of these per level, but they take a lot of damage and deal out a lot more. Good thing? they're slow and turn poorly), and witches (used to be children. Bitches to fight. They sit around and cry and moan and have scary music and such. Technically if all the survivors don't want to fight one, they just have to walk by her quietly and turn off their lights. If she is startled then she will tear apart the person who startled her).
There are four campaigns: No Mercy, Dead Air, Death Toll, and Blood Harvest. Each campaign is broken up into 5 different parts, each part you and the three other survivors (Zoey, Bill, Francis, and Louis) have to get from safehouse A to safehouse B, except in the final chapter because then you have to get to whatever the mode of rescue is. The campaign can be played solo, or splitscreen, or with friends over xbox live, or with random people over xbox live.
The No Mercy campaign is set in a city - more specifically it is set in an apartment, some streets, some sewers, and a hospital. At the end of the campaign you have to alert the helicopter that is searching for survivors and then fight off hordes of zombies until the lazy ass helicopter pilot finally decides to rescue you; then you just have to cheese it from wherever you decided to fight the zombies to the helicopter.
The Dead Air campaign is set in an airport (big surprise there). This was probably by far my favorite of the campaigns. You have to leg it through this airport, and eventually you end up out on the airstip where there is a plane that desperately needs to be refueled. When you start the gas pump, the zombies get attracted to the noise and prest-o you have to fight through a bucketload of zombies.
The Death Toll campaign requires you to run your ass through some woods, and eventually a train station. In the end you get to a little house by the lake, contact the National Guard, fight off a whole lot of zombies, and get on a boat.
The Blood Harvest campaign has you running through forests again, but this time you also get to run through a farm field (which at night and surrounded by zombies is quite the scary adventure). However when I did this I was with ryan and he was on the headset. Since he has owned the game since it has come out, and played it to death, he knew his way around. So with his help of guiding me (via headset directions, he had already died) I got through this field and to the farm in about 30 seconds (most people wander around there for quite a long time). When you get into the house you give the military a ring and they tell you they're on the way, but they aren't the only ones. The house is about to get raped by zombies. Once again you have to fight off hordes of zombies and such until an army APC comes and you get on board and drive off.
This game also has a versus multiplayer mode. In this mode 4 people start off as the survivors and 4 start off as the special infected (the numbers aren't usually 4 on 4, thats just the max). The team that starts out as the survivors have to run, leap, and gun there way though each chapter of the selected campaign. The survivor's goal is to get to the safe room alive, the infected's goal is to stop them. After they complete (or get all killed by the infected) the roles switch and you do it all over again. Each round/chapter (you do the whole campaign, switching roles at the end of the chapter so the other team can do the chapter) the survivor team is ranked on how well they did - final health, final amount of survivors left, level completion, etc. The team that starts the round as the infected just have to stop the survivors. The infected team consists of 2 hunters, a smoker, and a boomer; sometimes a player might be chosen at random to be a tank. Generally they have a spawn count of 20 seconds between death, and when you spawn/respawn you spawn as whichever the missing special infected is.
The coolest thing about this game however is that pretty much everything changes from time-to-time. It is extrememly rare for a survivor to repeat something you've heard him say before - they have a huge data-bank of things to say. The placement and density of zombies in a level will always change, the amount of special infected and their placement will change, the location of witches will change, the amount of times you see a tank will change. Pretty much the only thing that doesn't change is world-objects.
My only real problem with the game is people are really stupid online. The game really focus' on teamwork, but most of the time everyone does their own thing, and dies frequently (as the infected). Since the zombies will actually never stop coming the survivors have to keep moving and leg-it to the saferoom; that rarely happens. Usually the people playing are really friggen thick; everyone moves through the level going room-by-room, or they double back often, or they just pretty much walk through a level, or you have Johnny the brave/stupid idiot who startles the witch often, etc.
My Rating: Definitely a game that has an enormous amount of replay value. The zombie killing action in this game is top-notch. It has a good balance of multi-player and single-player-story.
Prince Caspian
Saturday night I took a quick 2 hour break (it is quick in comparison to how much I was playing) from my video games and sat down with my parents to watch Chronicles of Narnia (2): Prince Caspian.
Personally I found the first movie to be on the high-side of crap, and the only thing it had going for it was that it had a pretty cool battle scene at the end. Boy was I surprised by the vast improvement in Prince Caspian.
The story takes place 1 (and 100 of Narnia's years) after the children left Narnia before. The children get summoned to Narnia when Prince Caspian (of the evil humans) blows the girl's horn. They find their old Narnia is gone, and it is no longer the happy place it once was. The [evil humans] had quested into the lands of Narnia and all but extinct-ified the Narnians (their word, not mine) not long after the children disappeared. The movie takes on a pretty dark tone becuase now almost nothing in Narnia is magical - most of the animals are wild now, the trees don't dance, etc. At one point in the movie Lucy (the littilest one) goes up to a bear trying to talk to it and it attacks her.
Prince Caspian had to flee to Narnia because his Uncle [spoiler: who killed Caspian's father, Caspian] wanted to kill him so he could take the throne. Caspian meets up with some nice dwarves, and a badger, and finds some other animals that still talk. Eventually he joins up with them (im just browsing over this so as not to give too much away) in the fight against his Uncle, who now knows that Narnian's exist.
The cast of the movie is quite good, especially Caspian, Peter, Edwin (who doesn't suck in this movie), the girl who's name I don't remember, and couple new animals.
In this movie Peter is much cooler. He is much more the valiant knight type. Even though he does get stupid-moody in certain places in the movie, I still found him to be much more epic this time around.
He is also quite dashing, and looks good in armor.
Susan is the archer of the group, and even though she is quite annoying sometimes I still found myself looking at her and going "she is quite attractive".
Edmund in this movie isn't annoying or useless. In fact he is quite the opposite. He fights, he doesn't ever cry or accept sweets from a hideous ice-witch, and he looks quite good in armor.
Ah, Prince Caspian: the Latino Lord. Since this movie is shot in Spain (I think) the majority of the cast is spanish, including the Prince here. Even though he does have an accent it really isn't that big of a deal because all of the [evil humans] have the same accent.
He's a really good character because he's flawed, but at the same timegorgeous epic and courageous (and looks good in armor).
Oh that lucy...
If you thought she was an annoying, bratty little tree hugger in the first movie well I have a story for you: she's still an annoying, bratty little tree hugger. Only this time because everyone else is much more epic and awesome, you notice it a lot more. By about 10 minutes into the movie she was getting on my nerves, by the end of the movie I decided that if I ever met her actress I would punch her in the face.
If you don't recognize the actor: its the midget who is in everything (with... midgets...). He plays the "Children of Adam" 's guide/friendly dwarf in the movie. He is actually a pretty cool character, and I was impressed that they did a really good job with makeup and what-not that it is really hard to tell who the actor is.
Reepicheep: think puss-in-boots, just smaller. He's a valiant warrior of Narnia, but about 4 inches tall. Reepicheep provides much of the comic relief in the movie, because of the obvious: cute valiant warrior mouse aspect. He's not just for comic relief though, he does fight, and kill, and does a damn good job at it too.
My Rating: its a watch again movie for sure.
Left 4 Dead
Brendan (my brother) came up/over on thursday and brought Left 4 Dead with him, which meant I had a chance to play it for realz. Since he later had friends over I spent most of the night playing this, and then went to bed. He left early in the morning and forgot to take his game back with him, which meant I had it from thursday to saturday.
There are four campaigns: No Mercy, Dead Air, Death Toll, and Blood Harvest. Each campaign is broken up into 5 different parts, each part you and the three other survivors (Zoey, Bill, Francis, and Louis) have to get from safehouse A to safehouse B, except in the final chapter because then you have to get to whatever the mode of rescue is. The campaign can be played solo, or splitscreen, or with friends over xbox live, or with random people over xbox live.
The No Mercy campaign is set in a city - more specifically it is set in an apartment, some streets, some sewers, and a hospital. At the end of the campaign you have to alert the helicopter that is searching for survivors and then fight off hordes of zombies until the lazy ass helicopter pilot finally decides to rescue you; then you just have to cheese it from wherever you decided to fight the zombies to the helicopter.
The Dead Air campaign is set in an airport (big surprise there). This was probably by far my favorite of the campaigns. You have to leg it through this airport, and eventually you end up out on the airstip where there is a plane that desperately needs to be refueled. When you start the gas pump, the zombies get attracted to the noise and prest-o you have to fight through a bucketload of zombies.
The Death Toll campaign requires you to run your ass through some woods, and eventually a train station. In the end you get to a little house by the lake, contact the National Guard, fight off a whole lot of zombies, and get on a boat.
The Blood Harvest campaign has you running through forests again, but this time you also get to run through a farm field (which at night and surrounded by zombies is quite the scary adventure). However when I did this I was with ryan and he was on the headset. Since he has owned the game since it has come out, and played it to death, he knew his way around. So with his help of guiding me (via headset directions, he had already died) I got through this field and to the farm in about 30 seconds (most people wander around there for quite a long time). When you get into the house you give the military a ring and they tell you they're on the way, but they aren't the only ones. The house is about to get raped by zombies. Once again you have to fight off hordes of zombies and such until an army APC comes and you get on board and drive off.
This game also has a versus multiplayer mode. In this mode 4 people start off as the survivors and 4 start off as the special infected (the numbers aren't usually 4 on 4, thats just the max). The team that starts out as the survivors have to run, leap, and gun there way though each chapter of the selected campaign. The survivor's goal is to get to the safe room alive, the infected's goal is to stop them. After they complete (or get all killed by the infected) the roles switch and you do it all over again. Each round/chapter (you do the whole campaign, switching roles at the end of the chapter so the other team can do the chapter) the survivor team is ranked on how well they did - final health, final amount of survivors left, level completion, etc. The team that starts the round as the infected just have to stop the survivors. The infected team consists of 2 hunters, a smoker, and a boomer; sometimes a player might be chosen at random to be a tank. Generally they have a spawn count of 20 seconds between death, and when you spawn/respawn you spawn as whichever the missing special infected is.
The coolest thing about this game however is that pretty much everything changes from time-to-time. It is extrememly rare for a survivor to repeat something you've heard him say before - they have a huge data-bank of things to say. The placement and density of zombies in a level will always change, the amount of special infected and their placement will change, the location of witches will change, the amount of times you see a tank will change. Pretty much the only thing that doesn't change is world-objects.
My only real problem with the game is people are really stupid online. The game really focus' on teamwork, but most of the time everyone does their own thing, and dies frequently (as the infected). Since the zombies will actually never stop coming the survivors have to keep moving and leg-it to the saferoom; that rarely happens. Usually the people playing are really friggen thick; everyone moves through the level going room-by-room, or they double back often, or they just pretty much walk through a level, or you have Johnny the brave/stupid idiot who startles the witch often, etc.
My Rating: Definitely a game that has an enormous amount of replay value. The zombie killing action in this game is top-notch. It has a good balance of multi-player and single-player-story.
Prince Caspian
Saturday night I took a quick 2 hour break (it is quick in comparison to how much I was playing) from my video games and sat down with my parents to watch Chronicles of Narnia (2): Prince Caspian.
Personally I found the first movie to be on the high-side of crap, and the only thing it had going for it was that it had a pretty cool battle scene at the end. Boy was I surprised by the vast improvement in Prince Caspian.
The story takes place 1 (and 100 of Narnia's years) after the children left Narnia before. The children get summoned to Narnia when Prince Caspian (of the evil humans) blows the girl's horn. They find their old Narnia is gone, and it is no longer the happy place it once was. The [evil humans] had quested into the lands of Narnia and all but extinct-ified the Narnians (their word, not mine) not long after the children disappeared. The movie takes on a pretty dark tone becuase now almost nothing in Narnia is magical - most of the animals are wild now, the trees don't dance, etc. At one point in the movie Lucy (the littilest one) goes up to a bear trying to talk to it and it attacks her.
Prince Caspian had to flee to Narnia because his Uncle [spoiler: who killed Caspian's father, Caspian] wanted to kill him so he could take the throne. Caspian meets up with some nice dwarves, and a badger, and finds some other animals that still talk. Eventually he joins up with them (im just browsing over this so as not to give too much away) in the fight against his Uncle, who now knows that Narnian's exist.
The cast of the movie is quite good, especially Caspian, Peter, Edwin (who doesn't suck in this movie), the girl who's name I don't remember, and couple new animals.
He is also quite dashing, and looks good in armor.
He's a really good character because he's flawed, but at the same time
If you thought she was an annoying, bratty little tree hugger in the first movie well I have a story for you: she's still an annoying, bratty little tree hugger. Only this time because everyone else is much more epic and awesome, you notice it a lot more. By about 10 minutes into the movie she was getting on my nerves, by the end of the movie I decided that if I ever met her actress I would punch her in the face.
My Rating: its a watch again movie for sure.
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