A roadsign on the side of a highway in Austin, Texas warns motorists of what is up ahead - living dead apocalypse.
That is what the sign really said, and the picture was taken on a cell phone camera. However, the sign is not of the legal, or literal manner. It was in fact the work of a 'hacker' who broke the lock, and reprogrammed the sign to say "CAUTION! ZOMBIES AHEAD!!!! SEEK COLD CLIMATES!". Then the 'hacker' changed the password on the lock, and ran away, meaning the sign had to be fully reset.
Rumour has it that this was a just an advertising scheme by Capcom for Resident Evil 5. However an official statement from a Capcom employee states that this 100% had nothing to do with them, since it is illegal. That doesn't stop them from receiving free marketing however.
A lot of people aren't too happy about this, mainly the police. This "work of a master hacker" doesn't really break major laws, the most severe is actually "vandalism". The "master hacker" comment was made by Austin's Chief of Police."How to Hack a Road Sign" has been posted on the Internet, and to me it doesn't seem like a very hard thing to do... in fact it seems like its pretty easy.
So... who wants to change a road sign to say:
1 comment:
I would totally be down for changing it to "honk if you're gay for jesus" or even "stop, in the name of love"
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