Saturday, January 10, 2009


You know your a true gamer when: when life intercepts with gaming, it takes a back seat until unavoidables. Unavoidables being defined as any non-user generated wait. This includes load screens, search times, boring cutscenes, opening videos, etc.

Even though almost every game has a pause feature, it is still a habit to put whatever has come up on hold until one of the unavoidables. Pauses are only reserved for getting the phone, being yelled at, and kissing the girlfriend.

World of Warcraft: waiting to go to the bathroom while your character is resting up, or on a flightpath.
Online FPS (Halo): having to pee halfway through a match and holding it in until the match ends. Most wait until they have initiated a search for a new game.

Why? It saves time of course! Also: load screens are times that you have to wait anyway, and if you wait it seems longer. So: get up and pee.

Or... you could always keep kitty litter in the corner of your room and pretend you have a cat...

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