My laptop needs a new sticker...

It's like poetry, just more awesome... and doesn't rhyme... and doesn't really match format.... actually it's nothing like poetry...
"I've talked before about the demise of written language, largely due to the internet. With symbols, shorthand and 'leet speak' so common online, I can only shudder in horror at the thought of how future generations will write to each other.
What's become even more disturbing to me, however, is how lazy we've gotten about communicating. Allow me to give you an example.
It's John's birthday today and being the close friends that you are, you seek to wish him a very happy birthday. To accomplish this feat, you will:
A )Write on his facebook Wall
B )Send him a twitter message, never forgetting the @
C )Compose a MySpace Private Message
D )Send him an E-mail
E )Head on over to, to grab one of their many clever birthday e-cards
F )Mention him in your next Blog post
G )Comment on his LiveJournal post
H )Send a Txt Message
I )Pick up the Phone and Call him
Be honest with yourself, which option did you choose?
All of us, myself included, have gotten lazy. Technology may have enabled it, but we made the choice, and we continue to make that choice. As time goes on, I suspect that the pick up the phone option won't even appear in your thought process.
What we're doing is creating a society that is so impersonal, that our children will feel more comfortable typing on a keyboard in the privacy of their own home, as opposed to direct human interaction. That's not a pleasant though, to me.
Do me a favor, won't you? Next time you need to get in touch with someone, whatever the reason, either pick up the phone or go see them face to face.
It makes a difference."